Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Check out the experimental tetra-authored comic series that I'm co-writing at the "official" Caffeine Reactor site. Sabuwolf is more machine than man, now. Yet he is still able to create comics despite his busy schedule of studying, reading comic books, watching DVDs, and generally being bored.
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by sabuwolf
George W. Bush expresses his views...
You look like you might be one of those Muslims, so you must be a terrorist that Jesus hates. Make sure Billy Graham kicks you in the ass on your way to prison!
Um... but I was just on my way to vote! You can't do this to me!
You're a woman, so Jesus says you're inferior! There's no way in hell that I'm letting you kill your babies you pro-choice anti-Jesus-ifite! Pro Choice means the terrorists win!
Why should you have any say on what happens to my body?!?
Uh, oh... you look Jewish, and that means you don't get into Heaven with Jesus...
OOOOhhhh... I am *SO* gonna bitch-slap your ass!
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