George W. Bush expresses his views...
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| You look like you might be one of those Muslims, so you must be a terrorist that Jesus hates. Make sure Billy Graham kicks you in the ass on your way to prison! | |
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| Um... but I was just on my way to vote! You can't do this to me! | |
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| You're a woman, so Jesus says you're inferior! There's no way in hell that I'm letting you kill your babies you pro-choice anti-Jesus-ifite! Pro Choice means the terrorists win! | |
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| Why should you have any say on what happens to my body?!? | |
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| Uh, oh... you look Jewish, and that means you don't get into Heaven with Jesus... | |
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| OOOOhhhh... I am *SO* gonna bitch-slap your ass! | |
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