Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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by slane
"2-WH0RES" by A. K. BIGGS
¡Aquí tenemos un poco de carne joven fresca en INFIERNO! [Trans. "Here we have some fresh young meat in HELL!"]
Welcome to the eternal pit of fiery damnation!
"We cite our faults, that they may hold excus'd our lawless lives." -- SHAKESPEARE, 2-Gents of Verona
We're Whitehall girls so we expect a big hometown welcome wagon and a tray of Putorti's sandwiches.
Better to rule in Hell than serve in Whitehall!
"Are you content to be our general? To make a virtue of necessity and live, as we do, in this wilderness?" SHAKESPEARE, 2-Gents of Verona
They have seen our Creator in the flesh! Pizza-crusts HE touched have passed thru her rectum!
Wrecked 'em? DAMN NEAR KILLED 'EM!
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