Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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by slane
"2-WH0RES" by A. K. BIGGS
I take back what I said: that Devin was the ugliest of the Mahar girls. I just saw Blair & she's really let herself go. Her rear-end should read: WIDE L0AD!
Yeah its like she packed two phat loaves of Freihofers wheat bread down the back of each of her pant-legs.
"Mind if I smoke while you're eating?" --------------Helen (Dolly Sharp) in DEEP THR0AT by Gerard Damiano
I was going to say two boxes of Freihofers chocolate-chip cookies. I've SEEN those thighs.
Try to keep your eyes up, Monkey General. With all of God's great creation you're watching WHAT?!
"If I had ten divisions of those men, our troubles here would be over very quickly." ----------Kurtz (Marlon Brando) in AP0CALYPSE N0W by John Milius & Francis Ford Coppola
Between Nikki bangin' a regiment & Blair's BAD new look, Devin's the H0TTEST of the 3!
Would you at least admit: she has the worst tattoo?
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