Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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by slane
"2-WH0RES" by A. K. BIGGS
Jenna Jameson is just the latest in a line of moviestar hotties w/ double initials: Marilyn Monroe, Brigitte Bardot, Doris Day...
My favorite is Linda Lovelace, star of 1972's porn masterpiece DEEP THR0AT! She's my idol when it comes to giving head.
"...stuff I thy throat..." ~ Shakespeare, KING RICHARD THE SEC0ND [Act1Sc1]
There's a weird connection between her & old "2-WH0RES." Back in the 7O's there was a porno Drive-In outside Whitehall...
The way I heard it is that a young, sex-crazed Jim & Mary Donaldson were grindin' one out in the car while Linda slurped her way to stardom on the big screen!
"With an outstretch'd throat I'll tell the world aloud what man thou art." -------------------------------------Shakespeare, MEASURE F0R MEASURE [Act2Sc4]
Nine months later baby "2-WH0RES" was born. He was like a byproduct of that movie...
Lotsa guys were... Guys like Ed Sheehy & Pat Ripley & Justin "Sharp 'n Queer."
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