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| Donkey Kong is the hero of all monkeys. He sticks it to the man (literally, the man) by kidnapping his girl, and bringing her to a construction site and throws barrels at him! | |
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| No way! King Kong is the hero of all monkeys! He takes a girl to the top of the Chrysler building! And tragically falls to his ultimate demise! And his name is "King", not "Donkey"! | |
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| King Kong sucks! "Whaaaa! I'm the biggest monkey in the world! Oh no, airplanes! Better let go of this building!" | |
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| Yeah, well, at least he didn't get one-upped by a fat Italian plumber. "Oh no! He has a hammer! My barrels are useless, now!" | |
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| Well, to be fair, I bet King Kong would have done better if he had some barrels to throw at the airplanes. | |
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| Rational discourse wins the day! | |
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