Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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When I'm bored, I make comics. Occasionally, they're even funny. How about that! If you are in the mood for an archive binge, I suggest starting around comic #50 (or #30 if you stick to the recurring theme items like "Songs In 3 Panels"); the first #1-29 are mostly exposition, bad puns, and me futzing around with the interface.
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by somnambulist
Hey, so Jon really hit it off with that girl, huh? He said that it was nice to have a girlfriend whose jaw didn't get sore all of ten seconds into oral.
Yeah, tell it to the dudes here who aren't chronically single. You might find a little more sympathy there.
Well, when you get lucky, here's what I tell the girl if she lacks stamina down there...
I still neither need nor want to know any additional facts about your cock. It was bad enough that time when you told me that it lilts to the left a little.
Never mind that now! Just look her in the eye and say... "You need to bulk up a bit, baby... eat some Skittles!"
Actually, I think M&M's have a considerably more accurate slogan for that sort of thing!
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