Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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When I'm bored, I make comics. Occasionally, they're even funny. How about that! If you are in the mood for an archive binge, I suggest starting around comic #50 (or #30 if you stick to the recurring theme items like "Songs In 3 Panels"); the first #1-29 are mostly exposition, bad puns, and me futzing around with the interface.
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by somnambulist
I know it doesn't feel like it right now, but it will get better eventually. At least you know that you can find someone, so you should be able to do it again one day.
Yeah, I know. I just hate how long it takes. I did finally get a reply from one woman online, but all the waiting is driving me nuts.
Well, you'll just have to be patient and find some way to occupy yourself in the meantime.
Since when wasn't obsessive thinking a hobby?
*Technically you can, but you won't feel proud of yourself after. I hope.
A real hobby!
There's nothing I'm all that into right now. And besides, you can't have sex with a hobby*!
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