suicide_king's Comics 04/07/20 - Lawn Bomb
11/03/09 - Sweet Toast (or can't you just wish her a "happy birthday?")
03/08/06 - Deep, dark tan 4
03/08/06 - Lance Armstrong, 2010
03/03/06 - Deep, dark tan 3
03/03/06 - Deep, dark tan 2
12/13/05 - R.I.P. Tookie
12/12/05 - CC 306: Generation X-Box
12/12/05 - OPC 19: Want to open a present, little girl?
12/12/05 - OPC 19: Where Rudolph got his nose.
12/12/05 - Yard Work, part II
11/21/05 - Yard Work.
11/08/05 - OPC 16: Third base Coach
10/25/05 - First words
10/21/05 - BTC 43: D.W.A.
10/21/05 - BTC 43:
10/21/05 - BTC 43: Cast Away
10/20/05 - Chocolate gyp cookie lesson.
10/14/05 - Sheryl Crow, 2010
10/12/05 - RIP Nipsey
10/12/05 - CC 300: Where Rudolph got his nose
10/12/05 - CC 300: The seed of Keith Richards
10/12/05 - CC 300: De-evolution
10/11/05 - Woodolph the slant-eyed reindeer.
10/11/05 - Smashing Pumpkins
09/27/05 - BTC #41: White guys should not call each other niggah.
09/15/05 - Hail to the Creep.
09/13/05 - My Engrish, it's not so good.
08/24/05 - Charlie don't surf
08/17/05 - Why couldn't Madonna have been Reeved?
08/17/05 - Touched (by a horse) for the very first time.
08/12/05 - Bad punchlines heard on open<br />mike night @ the comedy cl
08/11/05 - Ripped from today's headlines (part 1)
08/10/05 - Bad punchlines heard on open mike night @ the comedy club I
08/10/05 - Stop me if you've heard this one before.
08/08/05 - Contest for balancing lit candle on head while pantless
08/08/05 - Yippee, we're all gonna die!
07/20/05 - West Virginian Veterinarian
07/19/05 - May the Good Lord shine a light on you.
07/18/05 - Police Sketch Artist
07/05/05 - Well hung
07/01/05 - Our Lady of Fartima
06/29/05 - Deep, dark tan
06/29/05 - Pissin' lightning bolts, part 2
06/29/05 - Pantless with lit candle on head world record broken (Fin).
06/28/05 - World record for balancing lit candle on head while pantless
06/21/05 - Pocket Pool
06/14/05 - FTC 64 : Racist Squirrel
05/26/05 - Newlywed
05/26/05 - Paris Hilton and BTK
05/06/05 - The world needs ditch diggers 2
04/29/05 - Netflix blaxploitation
03/29/05 - Choppin' heads
03/29/05 - Pissin' lightning bolts, part 1
03/25/05 - FTC 59: Honey, I shrunk the abortion doctor!
03/24/05 - Christ's last miracle -The avoidance of the crucifier's nail
03/23/05 - Terri Schiavo's class reunion.
03/23/05 - OJ's male bonding with Michael Schiavo
03/16/05 - Scott Peterson's Death Penalty
03/16/05 - BTC 22: Gorilla gang raped at the zoo
03/11/05 - The Best Christmas Present Ever!
03/11/05 - Academy Award Hecklers
02/24/05 - Does the Pope have a funny voice?
02/23/05 - Hooray, there's a new Scott Peterson!
02/21/05 - To the victor go the spoils
02/17/05 - Al Qaeda practical jokes
02/17/05 - The Holy Trinity
02/17/05 - BTC 20: Glory Hole Daze
02/17/05 - The Flight 93 passenger they didn't tell you about.
02/14/05 - Remember blowin' bubbles when you were a kid?
02/09/05 - WW 36: Gloria Steinem's Blind Date with Bobby Peru
02/09/05 - Carnac in Hell
02/08/05 - The Genius of Ray Charles (in Heaven)
02/08/05 - Johnny Carson will NOT be right back.
02/03/05 - American Humor versus British Humour
02/02/05 - Father Blaney's Gay Cruise (part duex)
02/02/05 - Father Blaney's Gay Cruise
01/13/05 - Sean Penn in France
01/13/05 - SUCK IT!
01/13/05 - Escorting without a license
12/10/04 - Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!
12/10/04 - Johnny Depp in France.
12/10/04 - Trick or Treat!
12/10/04 - Courtney Love is a whorrah.
12/10/04 - Hubby's funny practical joke.
12/10/04 - Ernie Borgnine's overgrown pubes.
12/09/04 - FTC 47: You suck 1 dick and you're branded a homo for life.
12/09/04 - Today is your rebirthday. Happy rebirthday to ya.
12/09/04 - No swearing in front of the baby!
12/09/04 - R.I.P. Dimebag (Pantera Sucks)
12/08/04 - Code Brown
12/08/04 - Jury Duty
12/08/04 - P M A in H E double L
12/08/04 - Freudian Slip
12/08/04 - Today is your deathday! Happy deathday to ya!
12/08/04 - Revelation of Christ's middle name.
12/07/04 - Olfactory Nightmare
12/07/04 - Noodles and Shite
12/07/04 - What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.
12/07/04 - The Passion of Jim Caviezel
12/06/04 - My li'l China grrl
12/06/04 - Lunch time on the set of "Passion of the Christ."
12/03/04 - Kicked in the taco
12/03/04 - Where my pubes at?
12/03/04 - CANCER
12/03/04 - Roofies