More tidbits from chatting with Mommy Dearest
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| You know i'm only getting like 400 hunnerd some dollars from the insurance policy, the county's gonna take all that shit! | |
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| well what else can you do? do you want them to lock you up for good..let them take it so they can get off your ass...*and you can get off mine* | |
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forgive me yall, my grandmom always said that a morbid sense of humor was unbecoming a lady...but i AINT no lady...
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| Well, shit...i dont have nothing for myself..what if i died...i'd be up shits creek if i died...theres not enough money to cremate me with...that cost at least 500 dollars...i guess you'd have to pay | |
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| ..yeah, shit there goes my overtime money...hmph...*giggles to self* | |
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Goth-dammit she just doesnt get it!
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| *giggles a little then stops* hey...that's not funny... | |
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| Oh yeah it is, cause you think i'd give up my hardearned cash to someone who never bothered to raise are going to be my younger brother's problem when you die! i already buried YOUR parents! | |
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