Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Visit a site i submit artwork to: Each week there is a word prompt and anyone can submit for the prompt. You can view all of my submissions clicking on my name or going to the drawer.
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by theDROOLfool
When someone surmises...what is the sense in showing them the truth.
Yer daQueen I KNOW YOU ARE
I DON'T know where you live. I DON'T know your name or what you do in life. I've never met you. BUT I KNOW YOU ARE DaQueen.
nO oNe can tell me different.
Do you see me knocking my head against the wall to show any resemblance of wanting to change yer mind? nnoooooooooooooooooo you won't get a drop of blood from my fair young head!
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