Butch never had a living soul to love or cherish him growing up.
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| Hi there, Butch...can u play wiff me? | |
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| New blood invites me to play. | |
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There was no way he could capeesh what fair play or dignity was.
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| oooooooooh now I have to be nice to da lil weeeeezer! I WAZZ HERE FIRST ! I get to do what I want. yadayad bull session. | |
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When the truth hits Butch broadside he has a GREAT need to shut it up and F A S T! ! There was no time to waste.
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| Plain & simple, Butch... don't play ruff. | |
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| NOW YOU'VE GONE & DONE IT... YER A PAIN IN MY BUTT where I stuff all my defences. Git into the box. DO IT, NOW! | |
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