Without realizing it the dynamic duo bros had a squirrel sit in on every secret meeting. Like a fly on the wall he lil guy heard it all.
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| gotta nut? ok I can see yer not into the give the bumm a dime pitch. How bout a nut for a star? | |
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| Seriously...do you think I am going to carry on a conversation with a rat with a big tail. I am not theDROOLfool, even he doesn't know what to do. | |
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| Ok it's your cyberlife. All you have to do is knock him out of this scene. Them old timers are SICnTIRED of the high pitched whinnnnns that come from his forum. Good Mickey...he has over 200 posts. | |
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| SOUNDS TO GOOD TO BE TRUE... that's how they git ya.... I know there's a police officer under that squirrel's disguise. NOT ME I don't fall that easy. I am not the EvilTwin for nothing! | |
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Would we ever see an end to all the hooooping and hollllllllering from a newbie called theDROOLfool. Stay tuned as the adventure intensifies. ________TO BE CONTINUED_________
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| I could even make it look like an accident. I've seen it on a commercial. I just forget what the ad was for. About time they had some of my brothers on TV! | |
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| So how many nuts is this going to put me out? | |
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