Not a peep was heard from theDOOLfool's corner for days.
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| I need to see some evidence you got rid of theDROOLINGfool. | |
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| Are ya kiddin? Silence is more proof then a body needs. | |
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| DO I LOOK THAT DUMB. LOOK above.... he just posted to an IAN dood. NO peanuts for you my furry comrade. | |
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Unaware of theDROOLfools change in plans the two continued their dastardly arrangements.... ________TO_ BE_ CONTINUED________
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| Ok how about a nut for the each day he doesn't show his drooling face. HELP ME OUT HERE i'm jonsing! | |
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| In yer buttery peanutty dreams. Now bring me the fool's head or the deals off. | |
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