Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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After years of writing captions on found photos I figure I can throw together some cartoons from clipart. They should be funny as hell. But I'm probably wrong.

Three sets: those with Target Greeter Girl, those without, and my Primer for Naïve Maidens.

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by themushroom
Ode to Elmer Fudd Karaoke by kane2742
If wuvvin you is Wong, I don't wanna be white...
And everybody knows...
Two Wongs don't make a white.
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For Contests

comments on this comic


kane2742 says:

I'm glad to see that I'm already being cited as an influence on other people's comics.
posted Oct 30th, 2007 ( permalink )

kane2742 says:

I just thought of something: If I influence any of your future strips, could you PM me to let me know? I'd be interested in seeing them, and I might miss them on the Recent Comics if people make a lot of comics in between times I check it. P.S.: I see that I've now influenced at least two people, both of whom entered the strips in a contest. Unfortunately, since it's the "Plagiarism" contest, my original strips aren't eligible to enter, so if yours or edoggydog's wins I'm claiming some credit in my profile ("Influenced winning strip of CC #372").
posted Oct 30th, 2007 ( permalink )

themushroom says:

Kane: You were an easy target. And you can have half the cash from my winnings.
posted Oct 30th, 2007 ( permalink )

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