Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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After years of writing captions on found photos I figure I can throw together some cartoons from clipart. They should be funny as hell. But I'm probably wrong.

Three sets: those with Target Greeter Girl, those without, and my Primer for Naïve Maidens.

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by themushroom
Father Skippy Peanutbutter is filling in for Father Rod Upthebum this week.
Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. I have consented to an act of sodomy.
hmm... what's the proper penance?
psst... Altarboy? What does Father Rod usually give for sodomy?
(beating dontscotty to the punch... he was told this joke at Boy Scout camp)
A Dr. Pepper and a Snickers Bar!
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Spackletown Assordid

comments on this comic


deathtoradio says:

So wrong, but it feels so right.
posted Nov 8th, 2007 ( permalink )

kane2742 says:

I only got the Snickers bar. :(
posted Nov 19th, 2007 ( permalink )

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