Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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After years of writing captions on found photos I figure I can throw together some cartoons from clipart. They should be funny as hell. But I'm probably wrong.

Three sets: those with Target Greeter Girl, those without, and my Primer for Naïve Maidens.

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by themushroom
Soon you will start feeling affection for other people that goes beyond mere friendly compassion. We call it "love".
You asked to see me, my sister? Do you have some-thing to confess?
Yes, Father. I met a boy recently and I get this... tingly feeling in my whoo-hoo when I think of or talk to him.
Love can be true or it can be false. They can be hard to tell apart. This line is further blurred by technology.
You are having impure thoughts? This is completely natural. Have you done anything to or with this boy?
He lives on the other side of the country so I can't touch him. *sniff*
Ask yourself: Would I still feel this way after I have kissed his genitals?
But does mastur- bating on webcam for him and 37 people count?
That was quite the performance last night... Say ten Hail Marys and let me sniff your fingers before you rinse them in holy water.
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this comic belongs to set
A Primer For Naïve Maidens

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