Widely reknown for making Equine Marmalade, FOX News continues it's coverage of the Roy Moore Passion Play...
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| Standing in for Geraldo Rivera, who was supposed to stand in for a badly condimented Bill O' Reilly, this is Bill Moyers at the Roy Moore Self-Crucifixion Rally. Standing with me is a faithful... | |
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| Hold on, Old Dude. I ain't with those whack-jobs. | |
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| You mean, you're NOT one of Roy Moore's followers? | |
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| No way, man! I'm just here for the KFC they're passin' out. That, and the Comedy Relief. | |
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| I'd speak a little softer, kid: those people will tear you to pieces! | |
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| Nah, they're too busy venerating Moore's dirty diaper. We'd pay off the National Debt with what it'll fetch on eBay! | |
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