Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Welcome to my personal comic page I hope you like my comics and that is pretty much all i got to say i don't know why i am still typing.
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by twreks1989
this just in, the last comic Twreks1989 posted was about as funny as me in a dress sucking off a hobo.
That is actually kind've of funny you in a dress. Hehe.
Fuck you for thinking that's funny.
Wohh, you just cussed and didn't censor yourself.
A guy commented to twreks1989 that self censorship is lame.
Well f@@k him. Hehehehe. Just kidding Twreks1989 appreciates all comments even if they are from f@@khe@ds (I didn't even need to censor the a in heads that's fuc@ing hilarious)
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crabby says:

You just made my list. Congrats you f$^$ing turd. Keep up the good work.
posted Mar 30th, 2008 ( permalink )

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