Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Welcome to my personal comic page I hope you like my comics and that is pretty much all i got to say i don't know why i am still typing.
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by twreks1989
Mom! can you come tuck me in?
I'll be right there honey!!
Minutes later
Mom I don't want you to massage me to- Wait a minute is that you Mr. Jenkins. You silly little sneak, i can recognize those hands anywhere Hehe nice try though.
Oh you got me, I can't get any thing past you. Man you are smart I knew there was a reason i liked you, can't resist a kid with brains. Hehe Here let me turn on the lights.
Hehe that was a good one, why do you have the Santa outfit on?
Do you realize how much ass sits on my lap when i wear this it''s unreal man. Well i best head out and see if the Johnson's kid drank my roofie orange juice, Take care buddy.
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