Crash and Burn: Who invited her?
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| I like a man who will try to put me in my place, then I kick the living crap outta him!!! | |
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| Excuse me miss, but you're blocking the door... | |
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| Of course half the fun is getting bloody myself... Sometimes I'll take a razor and just lightly caress my nipples with the blade. | |
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| My friends are waiting for me back at the party... can you let me pass? | |
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| When my man gets me on my knees I like to look in his face and take a little nip on his tool? Anybody ever love you like that? | |
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| Listen you stupid self absorbed bitch... I'm a cat! I just jump on em, and jump off! Now get the hell out of my way before they run out of Schnapps! | |
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