Crash and Burn: Brave Gnu World.
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| Hi, we're the kids you're so worried about in Iraq! | |
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| Thanks so much for all you're doing around the world protecting us poor innocent children of the desert. | |
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| Yeah, if you didn't riot in the streets we couldn't get enough sympathy to fill a tin cup. | |
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| Strange how you Westerners will spend tons of money helping those faces you will never see... and if someone in your country stood up to stop abortions they would be labelled a "wacko". | |
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| They surely would never be elected... or worse be tarred with the title anti-woman! | |
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| So, just forget about the fact that if Saddam was running your country you'd be hung for standing out on a street and shouting slogans... Thanks again... Peace out France. Praise allah! | |
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