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Crash and Burn: The Yeller Terror
Crash and Burn: The Yeller Terror.
How close are we to war with Korea?
That close.
Do the Americans need to fear them?
Only this much.
They might have nukes, how can you be so flip?
Cause they're only this big!
umpire's Comics
05/11/04 - Crash and Burn: We're Back!
06/05/03 - Crash and Burn: Humor Series....
06/05/03 - Crash and Burn: A Pox on Omnimedia
05/06/03 - Crash and Burn: Good Times
04/25/03 - Crash and Burn: Drifting in the Doldrums
03/30/03 - Crash and Burn: Someone put a round into his dizzy bald head
03/28/03 - Crash and Burn: France : The Country that Smells like an ASS
03/25/03 - Crash and Burn: An Army Travels on its stomach
03/19/03 - Crash and Burn: Nighty night...
03/06/03 - Crash and Burn: The Road Not Taken.
03/06/03 - Crash and Burn: Don't Mention the War!
03/06/03 - Crash and Burn: Too Bad Chrissie Didn't O.D. too!!!
03/06/03 - Crash and Burn: The Burning Question
03/04/03 - Crash and Burn: The Yeller Terror
03/03/03 - Clear and Present 'Nanner.
03/02/03 - Crash and Burn: Sign o' the times.
03/02/03 - Crash and Burn: Where are my Rufees?
02/27/03 - Crash and Burn: Scream at the Boob Tube!
02/27/03 - Crash and Burn: Mirror, mirror.
02/24/03 - Crash and Burn: Jokes on you...
02/23/03 - Crash and Burn: Focus Pocus
02/21/03 - Crash and Burn: It was the Breast of times!
02/21/03 - Crash and Burn: Crash and Burned
02/20/03 - Crash and Burn: WHEN UP IS DOWN, and WRONG IS RIGHT..
02/20/03 - Crash and Burn: Flip off the Dickweeds!
02/19/03 - Crash and Burn: Brave Gnu World.
02/19/03 - Crash and Burn: Standing in front of the New French Flag.
02/19/03 - Crash and Burn: On the Hot Seat!!!
02/19/03 - Crash and Burn: Guess who's coming to dinner.
02/19/03 - Crash and Burn: Final Moments of the Columbia
02/18/03 - Crash and Burn: More Party Talk
02/18/03 - Crash and Burn: P.C. Party Police
02/18/03 - Crash and Burn: Older than my grandma Moses...
02/17/03 - Crash and Burn: Who invited her?
02/17/03 - Crash and Burn: Party like it's 1999
02/17/03 - Crash and Burn: Relevance
02/16/03 - Crash and Burn: Brought to you by Nike
02/16/03 - Crash and Burn: Non-Dick Jokes
02/16/03 - Crash and Burn: Twilight's Last Gleaming.
02/09/03 - Crash and Burn: By-Pass the Pussies
02/09/03 - Crash and Burn: Doomed to Repeat...
02/05/03 - Crash and Burn: I have needs
02/05/03 - Crash and Burn: Contractual Obligation Cartoon
02/05/03 - Crash and Burn: Monkey Wet Dreams.
02/02/03 - Crash and Burn: Tangent
02/02/03 - Crash and Burn: Next to Godliness
02/02/03 - Crash and Burn: The Fats of Life.
02/01/03 - Crash and Burn: February 1, 2003
01/24/03 - Crash and Burn: Monkey on my back
01/23/03 - Crash and Burn: Hey Pete Townshend...
01/23/03 - Crash and Burn: You Deserve a Break Today
01/19/03 - Crash and Burn: Smack Iraq
12/27/02 - Crash and Burn: 13th Day of Christmas
12/10/02 - Crash and Burn: A Work in Progress
12/10/02 - Crash and Burn: Popular Culture
12/09/02 - Crash and Burn: Nasty Habits.
12/09/02 - Crash and Burn: Bad Taste
12/07/02 - Crash and Burn: The Dearh of the X files.
12/04/02 - Crash and Burn : King of Poop
12/04/02 - Crash and Burn: "Nanner, 'nanner. 'nanner!
12/04/02 - Crash and Burn: Holiday Jeer
11/30/02 - crash and Burn: Apocalypse "Nanner
11/27/02 - Crash and Burn: Wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!!!
11/26/02 - Crash and Burn: What Dreams May Come
11/26/02 - Crash and Burn: Deck the halls
11/26/02 - Crash and Burn: Doody Humor Sells
11/26/02 - Crash and Burn: Just Duck Logic
11/26/02 - Crash and Burn: I'll be home for Christmas.
11/26/02 - Crash and Burn: For Whom the 'Nanner Tolls
11/26/02 - Crash and Burn: Attack of the Clones
11/26/02 - Crash and Burn: Sticky Situations
11/25/02 - Crash and Burn: Cry wolf
11/24/02 - Crash and Burn: Fun with Mirrors
11/24/02 - Crash and Burn: Amazing tails
11/24/02 - Crash and Burn: Ensemble players lament
11/24/02 - Crash and Burn: Taco Bell Episode II
11/24/02 - Crash and Burn: Yo quiero Taco Bell.
11/24/02 - Crash and Burn: All I want for Christmas.
11/24/02 - Crash and Burn: Meat and Potatoes
11/24/02 - Crash and Burn: Right is right
11/24/02 - Crash and Burn: Hey, hey we're the monkies
11/23/02 - Crash and Burn: Hard Looks
11/23/02 - Crash and Burn: Acid Rain
11/23/02 - Crash and Burn: Bring in the homicidal clowns.
11/23/02 - Crash and Burn: Hot and Spicy Texas Style
11/23/02 - Crash and Burn: Penguins on Parade.
11/23/02 - Crash and Burn: Night of the Living Dweeb.
11/23/02 - Crash and Burn: Happy Holidaze.
11/23/02 - Crash and Burn: Lunar Tunes
11/23/02 - Crash and Burn: Do you want fries with that?
11/23/02 - Crash and Burn: To boldly go...
11/23/02 - Crash and Burn: I remember when MTV played videos
11/23/02 - Crash and Burn: Episode One
11/23/02 - Crash and Burn: One night stand
11/23/02 - Crash and Burn: Turning tables.
11/22/02 - Crash and Burn: Taco Bell
11/22/02 - Crash and Burn: Black Sheep
11/22/02 - Crash and Burn: Paperclip called Desire
11/22/02 - Crash and Burn: Deep Space
11/22/02 - Crash and Burn: Burning questions
11/22/02 - Crash and Burn: New neighbors
11/22/02 - Crash and Burn: Funky Monkey
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