what_the_krevice's Comics 07/20/06 - Only The Lonely
06/01/06 - It's So Special When Two Are Destined to Meat
06/01/06 - Pains of Future Ass
05/26/06 - Necrophiliac Remorse
05/26/06 - Oh Man!...Wait....WHAT THE FUCK!?
05/26/06 - Clean Up On Aisle 4
05/26/06 - Who Doesn't?
05/26/06 - Self-Reliance!
05/26/06 - Back to the Classics (Or What We Claim to be Classics)
05/26/06 - Vegas, Baby, Vegas
05/26/06 - He so would!
05/26/06 - OMG A PAPER CLIP!
05/26/06 - I AM L. RON HUBBARD!
05/26/06 - Catch "Huzzah" at 9/8 Central!
12/13/05 - DockTucker
09/27/05 - It Certainly Does Not
09/27/05 - Take a break from Sanity with Señor Cigarillo.
06/22/05 - Short Take: Commentary on Commentary
06/17/05 - A Good Thing to Swear On, Actually
06/04/05 - Short Take: A Lesson In Humor
05/28/05 - There's No Emoticon For What I'm Feeling!
05/26/05 - The Plot Thickens! Or It Would If There Was a Plot...
05/25/05 - A Little Prank Never Hurt Nobody, Right?
05/25/05 - Care Package
05/25/05 - Condescending Condensation
05/25/05 - Corporate Huzzah (Briefcase Included)
05/25/05 - We Don't Need No Stinkin' Plot...
03/13/05 - Intermission: From Bash.Org (As Complete As Possible)
03/12/05 - A Discovery of Erectile Proportions
03/11/05 - All Info is Good Info.
03/04/05 - It makes sense when I think about it.
03/04/05 - Who Knew "Agreed" Was So Omninous?
03/04/05 - Huzzah has mob ties? I didn't even know he was CATHOLIC!
03/04/05 - He DOES scream like a woman...
03/04/05 - Born yesterday. Dead next Tuesday.
03/04/05 - PSYCH!!!
03/04/05 - Oh It's Desireable....*moans*
03/04/05 - It's harder than it sounds...SweetCheeks.
03/04/05 - Sour Cream on the Side
03/03/05 - Sit and Spin, Dingus!
03/03/05 - Can You Blame Him?
03/03/05 - Now THAT'S fucked up.
03/03/05 - Mercy Is For The Weak, Todd!
03/03/05 - Death raids the refrigerator.
03/03/05 - It's not as bad as it seems...
03/03/05 - What an INTRIGUING turn of EVENTS!!
03/02/05 - Nothing At All...
03/02/05 - Envy
03/02/05 - Holy Shit! Paradox!
03/02/05 - Temporal Sodomy
10/05/04 - Holy Shit! There's an Update Here!
07/18/04 - Children, beware! Strangers are usually ba'hai anarchists!
07/17/04 - *Creates A Comic Just to Use Somewhere Else*
07/04/04 - Stripcreator is Run By Fucking Fascists Pt 2
07/04/04 - Stripcreator is Run By Fucking Fascists
05/02/04 - Everyone Needs to be Thankful for Something
04/09/04 - Damn the lack of a "walleroo" picture!
04/06/04 - Holy Shit! Pervis is facing the other way!
04/06/04 - Gots ta be PC...bitch.
04/01/04 - Word, bitch. Word.
03/22/04 - She asks a good question.
03/21/04 - O_O I made an AYBism grammatically correct?!
03/17/04 - Even Christ Admits Huzzah Has A Point
03/17/04 - Laying siege to undefended nations can take a lot out of you
03/02/04 - AYB Thwarted
02/28/04 - Somethings Never Change
02/27/04 - Wrap Up
02/27/04 - Just Do What The Man Says!
02/27/04 - This Is What We In the Industry Call a Title
02/27/04 - Hopefully, the end is near (And another rectum bloodied)
02/27/04 - Continued
02/27/04 - Sorta Flamed ...
02/27/04 - He's No Wampa, But He'll Do
02/27/04 - Not again ...
02/27/04 - Tidus Would Kill Me If He Saw This...
02/27/04 - I'm Wearing a Sock On My Penis
02/27/04 - And Mike Takes The Easy Way Out...
02/27/04 - WTF
02/27/04 - Or homicide...
02/27/04 - Don't be a square!
02/27/04 - Yeah, they were wise, too...
02/25/04 - It sucks because it's bad
02/22/04 - *Grunt*
02/22/04 - Chuck the Duck in his Pick-Em-Up Truck...Stuck In the Muck.
02/20/04 - There's no movie commentary here!
02/20/04 - Kyle Lives, As Well ... *dies*
02/11/04 - God Damned Cameos!
02/11/04 - The pube that wouldn't die.
02/11/04 - The Set-Up Pt. One
02/11/04 - The last straw?
02/11/04 - Joe Pesci and Robert DeNiro pwn
02/11/04 - Sexual predators target victims...o_O
02/11/04 - Check it out! A Shameless Cameo!
02/11/04 - Mennonite with a Mouth on 'im.
02/11/04 - Psychology sucks
02/11/04 - Guilty Conscience
02/11/04 - Why Is Satan Always Hanging Around?
02/11/04 - He said "behind"...tee-hee.
02/11/04 - For Once, Logic and Reasoning Won
02/11/04 - Deception is the sincerest form WTFery.
02/11/04 - He's catching on! >_>
02/11/04 - Liquid comeback.
02/11/04 - It's true, he doesn't...
02/11/04 - A little scat porn never hurt nobody.
02/11/04 - Teh 1337 Return of Mike
01/13/04 - Holy Shit Mike Lives!
01/09/04 - Are you there, gods? It's me, Pervis.
01/09/04 - Everybody's got a weakness.
01/09/04 - We all want more out of life...
12/18/03 - One Month
11/18/03 - Another Senseless Update
11/03/03 - Happy 19th, Brother Mikum!
10/08/03 - LUEser...
10/04/03 - Copyright Violation
10/04/03 - Owned with a Captial Q
10/04/03 - Inside Joke
09/21/03 - Techno Ravez0rz
08/24/03 - Long Time No Update ... It's Been Nice
08/14/03 - Shut Up, That's Why!
08/02/03 - You Don't Wanna Know What He Uses That Hook For ...
08/01/03 - This Should Be Illegal
07/28/03 - What 'Blowholes' Are REALLY For
07/28/03 - Getting Told What's Up
07/28/03 - Chores On Board the Voyage
07/27/03 - Ocean Voyage Part One
07/26/03 - Oh That's Right ... He Went There
07/19/03 - Now Ain't That A Tale Worth The Hearing?
07/17/03 - Arr!
07/09/03 - Arrrrrrr!
07/03/03 - Huzzah Redemption
06/30/03 - SCHMUCK!
06/28/03 - Pervis' Dino Buddy
06/26/03 - Pity the Piddies.
06/25/03 - Pervis Is Regressing ...
06/23/03 - When Doves Cry
06/23/03 - Brother Kylus Humbly Carries On the Plot
06/23/03 - Shut Up, Kyle
06/23/03 - Pervis' Thoughts
06/23/03 - Arggg Me Matie!
06/23/03 - Not One Single Cus In the Whole Strip ... I Must Be Slipping
06/23/03 - Literary Works Using The Word Cunt
06/23/03 - You Always Hurt the Ones You Love
06/23/03 - The Challenge
06/23/03 - The Morbid Truth
06/23/03 - Acid or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Sobriety
06/23/03 - Truth Is an LSD Experience
06/23/03 - The Goomba Will Punch You In The Throat
06/23/03 - Brother Kylus Takes the Reigns
06/22/03 - Somebody got owned
06/22/03 - Take That, Bitch
06/22/03 - Well Hot Shit
06/13/03 - La la la *BANG*
06/13/03 - His thick head is truly astounding.
06/13/03 - Feedback
06/13/03 - Sensual Recollection
06/13/03 - Just Another Ass Fucking Joke
06/13/03 - Sadomasochistic Sexy Anal Fun For The Whole Family!
06/13/03 - So Wrong On So Many Levels
06/13/03 - A Sinister Beginning
05/21/03 - It's So True
05/21/03 - Play for blood or don't play.
05/09/03 - Good Kyle (Brother Kylus) VS. Bad Kyle Part Zwei
05/09/03 - Good Kyle (Brother Kylus) VS. Bad Kyle
05/09/03 - God Damn, That's Mean...But Deliciously Funny
05/09/03 - Cyber-Lush
05/05/03 - The Squirrel Knows
05/05/03 - I ate MY comedian.
05/05/03 - Zinger After Delicious Zinger
05/05/03 - Irritation is the key to success.
05/05/03 - Oh Man, Pervis Comin in Hard
05/05/03 - He sure is...
05/05/03 - And now a message from our sponsor
05/03/03 - And he knows this...how?
05/01/03 - The Powers of Misdirection
04/23/03 - Randominiminity
04/21/03 - This is why alcohol is bad
04/21/03 - It's called Replacement Therapy...look into it.
04/21/03 - Drugs Are Bad, Mkay?
04/21/03 - Just like roaches...
04/21/03 - A Slight Burning Sensation
04/21/03 - Do zombies give good head?
04/21/03 - Oh what one can learn
04/21/03 - What goes around comes around...sort of.
04/21/03 - Cruel and Delicious
04/21/03 - The blind leading the blind...
04/21/03 - Great Tactic!
04/21/03 - Surprise! Surprise!
04/21/03 - Bloody Kyle or Bloody Anus?
04/21/03 - Special, yes...unique? ...possibly.
04/21/03 - Oh for fucks' sake!
04/21/03 - Paranoia is the downfall of the mentally alert...
04/21/03 - Something fishy...
04/21/03 - The voices told me to...
04/18/03 - Mabel is a slut
04/13/03 - *Theme to "Welcome Back, Kotter" plays*
04/12/03 - Guess who's back....No, not Jesus
04/09/03 - Use what you know
04/08/03 - Absolute Power...
04/07/03 - SCENERY CHANGE!
04/04/03 - Zoinks, yo
04/03/03 - Aftermath
03/31/03 - Too much of any one thing
03/31/03 - Looks can be deceiving...
03/31/03 - And so it was....and it was good
03/31/03 - Stroking Luck...;-)
03/31/03 - The truth is an ugly thing..
03/31/03 - We speak the same language...
03/31/03 - That's precisely the idea...
03/31/03 - I am Jack's sense of self-satisfaction.
03/31/03 - OMG
03/31/03 - Opportunity Costs
03/31/03 - Look, a Jesus tree!
03/30/03 - An Intriguing Turn of Events
03/30/03 - Maybe he ought to be!
03/30/03 - Rough 'n' Tumble Preteen Rumble!
03/30/03 - Hi ho...Hi ho...
03/30/03 - The Lesser of Two Evils
03/30/03 - Shocking isn't it?
03/30/03 - So Very Wrong...
03/30/03 - Stupid dragon...
03/30/03 - A Danger To Both Man and Beast
03/30/03 - God damnit...
03/30/03 - A Special Gift
03/30/03 - Shot down!
03/30/03 - Today, I Am A Man.
03/30/03 - Word....Zing
03/30/03 - The Straw That Broke The Camel's Back...
03/30/03 - That does it for me
03/30/03 - Right Place...Wrong Time
03/30/03 - Well that answers that!
03/30/03 - Professional Detachment
03/30/03 - Oh, the suspense!
03/30/03 - ...Sins of the Father...
03/30/03 - The Wager...
03/30/03 - Looking For Daddy
03/30/03 - YOUR MOM!
03/30/03 - Tough Times
03/30/03 - Oh dang!
03/30/03 - Hidden Passions
03/30/03 - So many questions...
03/30/03 - A Difference of Perspective
03/30/03 - Holla Holla WOOOOOOOOOORD!
03/28/03 - Makes sense, I suppose
03/27/03 - Take a freakin hint
03/27/03 - One big inside joke
03/27/03 - Probably Not
03/27/03 - Staring contest
03/27/03 - Violation
03/27/03 - Just another gay/penis joke
03/27/03 - A lesson well learned
03/27/03 - I am your god now!
03/27/03 - The truth shall set you free
03/27/03 - Cruel and Unusual Punishment
03/27/03 - When in Rome
03/27/03 - He sure was
03/27/03 - Where there's a will...
03/27/03 - Sheesh (fixed)
03/27/03 - Sheesh
03/26/03 - Acid isn't just a drug
03/26/03 - Oh jeez
03/26/03 - A late introduction
03/26/03 - I'm confused too
03/26/03 - So it has a name...
03/26/03 - Go for it dude
03/26/03 - Just the beginning