President Bush had an interview with the German newspaper Bild am Sonntag, May 7, 2006...
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| So, Meester President, what was your best moment in office? | |
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| I would say the best moment of all was when I caught a 7.5 pound largemouth bass in my lake. | |
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| ...and this was in office? | |
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| Yeah, but don't tell no one. Daddy gets mad when I do stupid things. The fish splashed everywhere and messed up a bunch of papers on my desk...they kinda looked important... | |
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As you can see, things didn't go so well...Thank God for government-controlled media, eh?
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| Now I just feel sorry for America... | |
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| ...Huh? Sorry, I missed what you said 'cause I was too busy tryin to look good for my people... | |
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