Relying on the power of his sadness and the prime directive deep within, our hero has unleashed the attack "Machine Gun Blues" to smite the nefarious Rich A. Texan. Is it truly over?
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| Well, Mr. Texan, looks like you weren't fast enough for a constant spray of ammunition! | |
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| *Cough* *Sputter* think yer done with me? Ah've gawt news fer ya...the road to hell is paved with Republicans. An' ah'll be th' one grabbing your ankles! Haha..ha...*sputter* | |
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| Okay...what you just said...that scared the shit out of me. | |
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| Why, thank ya kindly! *sputter* Oh, and before I die...Corrupt Lumberjack Guild! Avenge my death! | |
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| How can they avenge your death if you aren't dead yet? | |
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| Errr...can't hear ya, I'm dying! *cough* *blood vomiting noise* | |
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