I always tell a story before I tell the contest so here goes:
I love PSAs. For those not in the know, Public Service announcements are those little bits that they put on TV of celebrities or cartoon characters telling you right from wrong. My favorites are the Louie the lightning bug "You gotta stay away from powerlines" and the GI Joe "Knowing is half the battle" ones.
My least favorites are NBC "The more you know" ones.
Anyway, Stripcreator has been put in charge of giving out facts to the stupid people who really need to be told not to touch powerlines when they're down (ie kids) or not to hate other people. You can use sc characters or make up new ones, but we've got to get the messages out there, Be Safe.
Series are fine, but remember that people have short attention spans when they're being told to wait 30 minutes to go swimming after they've eaten and what to do for a bloody nose.
Judging will be next Monday. Now let's go out there and make a difference.
Peeing sitting down is the gift you give yourself.