I said at the end of the last contest that I'd post the rules when I was more sober, however Dan questioned my decision and I can't say I blame him.
Why should I be sober to make the rules of a contest? For the sake of the entrants? For a bit of professionalism? No.
So here is the simple rule for this contest (my contests are always simple rules):
It's about [u]alcohol[/u].
I want a comic, or a series of comics (please, I love series') that has the main theme of alcohol. It might be about someone doing something drunkenly crazy, it might be set the day after, it might be about a recovering alcoholic or a comic about someone who has never touched a drop in their lives. I don't care, as long as alcohol is involved somehow.
Oh, and posting my character with the caption "I'm a cross dressing drunken loser" isn't an entry, it's just abuse.
I shall judge this contest on Wednesday night (Glasgow time, you mooks can work out what time that is in your foreign lands), and I'll make sure I'm drunk for the occasion, just to be authentic.
Dad was flammable