Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Halloween Comic



A winner is you! Very thanks for read.

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Oh those cute kids these days.

[Click to view comic: 'The Failed Trick or Treat Plan']

- 4 Reel

8-15-03 7:43pm (new)
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I don't know what I'm doing either

Member Rated:

dcom, that was great!

Please replace the handset, and try again.

8-15-03 7:55pm (new)
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Member Rated:

Thanks jes!

Batman created by Bob Kane

8-15-03 10:58pm (new)
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Pink Donkey Wrangler

Member Rated:

Please remind me digger...was I supposed to laugh? :p I'm thinking that your misspelling is intentional, but if it isn't, it needs LOTS of spell checking. And it also needs punchlines. I apologize if I sounded harsh, didn't mean to...but the piece wasn't funny.

"You tried your best and you failed miserably! The lesson is: Never try!" -Homer Simpson

8-16-03 3:01am (new)
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Going. Coming.

Member Rated:

Digger talks 1337= Leet, computer/gaming lingo...

8-16-03 12:37pm (new)
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Pink Donkey Wrangler

Member Rated:

0MF9 H3 T@LK$ L33+! H35 oN3 B4d M0Fo 5OnUV49Un! i w4nN4 be Ju5+ LikE hiM Wh3N 1 GROW uP!!!

I'm jokin digger :)

"You tried your best and you failed miserably! The lesson is: Never try!" -Homer Simpson

8-17-03 3:12am (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

I'm not sure what's funnier- Digger's comics or the hordes of people who don't seem to get the joke.

8-17-03 6:36am (new)
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Going. Coming.

Member Rated:

I guess it's only funny to the 1337...

8-17-03 12:16pm (new)
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Pink Donkey Wrangler

Member Rated:

If it's such a good joke, kramer, why is it that everyone except for yourself ISN'T laughing? The "joke" has been done over and over and over in the industry; Scott Kurtz, Jerry and Mike from Penny-Arcade have done it...and frankly, it's a cliche'd dead joke, which is why we, the majority, by not laugh. If you give me a nickle per minute to look for examples, I will..

"You tried your best and you failed miserably! The lesson is: Never try!" -Homer Simpson

8-18-03 1:29am (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

I like how you have decided that you speak for the majority here. I find Digger's strips funny. I find the reaction he's getting from uptight wankers like yourself even funnier. If that puts me in a minority, fine.

It would have been great to see what you'd have made of fuck's comics when he was around. I can just imagine anguished cries of "Spellchecker!"

Seriously, you want to be making some funny strips yourself instead of posting inane criticisms in EVERY SINGLE THREAD. Who do you think you are, Simon Cowell?

8-18-03 3:42am (new)
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Pink Donkey Wrangler

Member Rated:

"I like how you have decided that you speak for the majority here. I find Digger's strips funny. I find the reaction he's getting from uptight wankers like yourself even funnier. If that puts me in a minority, fine.

It would have been great to see what you'd have made of fuck's comics when he was around. I can just imagine anguished cries of "Spellchecker!"

Seriously, you want to be making some funny strips yourself instead of posting inane criticisms in EVERY SINGLE THREAD. Who do you think you are, Simon Cowell?"

1. The majority acts upon responses which they have made, therefore I am talking about the responses as a WHOLE. Therefore, I am not assuming.

2. It's funny how you resort yourself to making pathetic 4 year old insults when you have no backup as to the bullshit you speak of. Next time, think before you speak...oh wait, that requires a brain, I'm sorry!

3. I can have a caveman draw stickfigures of a cow and a monkey, doesn't mean it's funny. On the other hand, if you feel it is...that's your opinion. You don't have to act like a moron and insult people to state it.

4. People post their comics here for 2 reasons: Attention and Criticizm. If you can't take it, don't post about your comics. And because I criticize, it only adds to the point of Strip that people voice their opinions on the comics and help others improve. It seems to me that you don't like to be criticized, so you act like a twit and piss on others when they do, which makes you look like a retard on the outcome.

5. Just because you donated $1 and have a star by your name doesn't mean you're above me, so quit your aggressive "I'm god" ego and cram it. We don't want to hear/read it. Prehaps when you come up with a witty and intelligent strip, then maybe you can go ahead and dish out your pre-mature the meantime, read a book, watch tv, do drugs...anything to shut yourself up.

"You tried your best and you failed miserably! The lesson is: Never try!" -Homer Simpson

8-18-03 7:49pm (new)
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I'm with stupid ^

Member Rated:

You're a piece of poop.

8-18-03 8:00pm (new)
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Pink Donkey Wrangler

Member Rated:

Well, when some insensitive genius tries to insult me for no god-given reason, I retaliate.

"You tried your best and you failed miserably! The lesson is: Never try!" -Homer Simpson

8-18-03 9:17pm (new)
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I'm with stupid ^

Member Rated:

You're a piece of poop.

8-18-03 9:20pm (new)
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The Man Who Punched God

Member Rated:

The monkey represents sharing.

EvilErnie, you forget you're a n00b. Your status as a n00b renders all your bitching unfunny and annoying.

If you want to challenge a bunch of unkempt geeks, you'd better integrate yourself into their community first.

~But now you realize / He's not selling any alibis~

8-18-03 9:38pm (new)
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Pink Donkey Wrangler

Member Rated:

"EvilErnie, you forget you're a n00b. Your status as a n00b renders all your bitching unfunny and annoying."

Ohhh, I see n00bness changes wether you're intelligent or a retard. Know what? Only a retard comes up with a half-assed assumption as such...oh dear, looks like you already knew that. Prehaps that's why you said it...trying to prove your gradeschool intellect by telling me that me being new to a community renders me and/or my material not funny. Prehaps if the author of Dork Tower or Scott Kurtz were new to and for the hell of it, made a post on the forums...would that make their strips NOT funny and them less intelligent?

Prehaps next time you speak out of your ass, you'll say something smarter than "I donated $3, I'm more special than you, HA HA HA!". I like how "speshul" folks here with a star next to their name empowers their ego to the form of a rhino, feeling they can kill anything in their path by saying "I'm important". Tell me, akira...did you donate at least $100 to support more than 1 programmer of the website/project? Did you supply any PHP or HTML material towards the site which has come to aid of the programmers? Did you offer to run a routing server for the site so that the payload of people visitng is less harmful to the main server? Didn't think so. Even if you donated $20, that doesn't make you more important than the average joe. You're less important, in my scale, than the gum stuck to my ass when I sat on the train yesterday.

You're of weak and every other moron that believes the power of one's authority comes from a yellow star that represents them donating a buck or two. When you supply Brad with more than a meaningful dollar, then prehaps you can talk your shit to me. But in the meantime, you're still me and to anyone else you've treated like less than yourself.


I'm not mad. I don't have to be mad to understand that a chimp with a yellow star and an ego the size of John Goodman can think he's powerful and brave. Just wanted to let you know that you're character and filled with flaws, like the decision was to create you in this world.

"You tried your best and you failed miserably! The lesson is: Never try!" -Homer Simpson

8-22-03 1:59am (new)
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Pink Donkey Wrangler

Member Rated:

Edit: I meant :)

"You tried your best and you failed miserably! The lesson is: Never try!" -Homer Simpson

8-22-03 2:01am (new)
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I'm with stupid ^

Member Rated:

You're a piece of poop.

8-23-03 4:25pm (new)
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chooby digital (in stereo)

Member Rated:

EvilErnie, take a seat.

Dad was flammable

8-24-03 5:47am (new)
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Level 1 Forum Troll

Member Rated:


I think EvilErnie needs a nap.

Think classy, you'll be classy.

8-24-03 5:20pm (new)
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Pink Donkey Wrangler

Member Rated:

I sleep 5 hours a day, so :p

"You tried your best and you failed miserably! The lesson is: Never try!" -Homer Simpson

8-25-03 4:03am (new)
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Pink Donkey Wrangler

Member Rated:

Yup. He needs a nap.

8-25-03 4:20am (new)
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The Man Who Punched God

Member Rated:

You seem to have completely ignored the third paragraph.

~But now you realize / He's not selling any alibis~

8-25-03 4:24am (new)
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Loveable Scamp

Member Rated:


Prehaps next time you speak out of your ass, you'll say something smarter than "I donated $3, I'm more special than you, HA HA HA!". I like how "speshul" folks here with a star next to their name empowers their ego to the form of a rhino, feeling they can kill anything in their path by saying "I'm important". Tell me, akira...did you donate at least $100 to support more than 1 programmer of the website/project? Did you supply any PHP or HTML material towards the site which has come to aid of the programmers? Did you offer to run a routing server for the site so that the payload of people visitng is less harmful to the main server? Didn't think so. Even if you donated $20, that doesn't make you more important than the average joe. You're less important, in my scale, than the gum stuck to my ass when I sat on the train yesterday.
LOL u = sat in gum

wy r u so meen? u want a star nex to ur name 2? no 1 heer thinx thay r moar speshul than n e 1 els, sept u, aparently.

also: u r speshul = false
u r kinda lame = true

"In a thousand years there will be no men and women just wankers and that's fine by me."

8-25-03 12:23pm (new)
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Professional style cramper

Member Rated:

chooby=teh rite

LoL OMG!!!11


8-25-03 2:09pm (new)
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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Halloween Comic

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