"I like how you have decided that you speak for the majority here. I find Digger's strips funny. I find the reaction he's getting from uptight wankers like yourself even funnier. If that puts me in a minority, fine.
It would have been great to see what you'd have made of fuck's comics when he was around. I can just imagine anguished cries of "Spellchecker!"
Seriously, you want to be making some funny strips yourself instead of posting inane criticisms in EVERY SINGLE THREAD. Who do you think you are, Simon Cowell?"
1. The majority acts upon responses which they have made, therefore I am talking about the responses as a WHOLE. Therefore, I am not assuming.
2. It's funny how you resort yourself to making pathetic 4 year old insults when you have no backup as to the bullshit you speak of. Next time, think before you speak...oh wait, that requires a brain, I'm sorry!
3. I can have a caveman draw stickfigures of a cow and a monkey, doesn't mean it's funny. On the other hand, if you feel it is...that's your opinion. You don't have to act like a moron and insult people to state it.
4. People post their comics here for 2 reasons: Attention and Criticizm. If you can't take it, don't post about your comics. And because I criticize, it only adds to the point of Strip Creator...so that people voice their opinions on the comics and help others improve. It seems to me that you don't like to be criticized, so you act like a twit and piss on others when they do, which makes you look like a retard on the outcome.
5. Just because you donated $1 and have a star by your name doesn't mean you're above me, so quit your aggressive "I'm god" ego and cram it. We don't want to hear/read it. Prehaps when you come up with a witty and intelligent strip, then maybe you can go ahead and dish out your pre-mature insults...in the meantime, read a book, watch tv, do drugs...anything to shut yourself up.
"You tried your best and you failed miserably! The lesson is: Never try!" -Homer Simpson