Round 4 matches still pending:
[list][*]ivytheplant: Squirrel (pennyarcade) vs. Littlegirl (threereasons)
[*]TheGovernor: Brad (forumusers) vs. Tyler (kofightclub)[/list]
Previously announced Round 5 matches:
[list][*]crabby: Gabebillings (forumusers) vs. Kaufman (forumusers)[/list]
And our second quarterfinal showdown is set. We have:
In this corner, the #4 seed from Bracket 3, who outpolled the Pimp, axed the Cat, sucked the Cow into a black hole of flatulence, and survived the ninjaing of Penguin: let's hear it for Jon!
And in this corner, the longshot #13 seed from Bracket 2, who busted Ghost, rippered Hooker, introduced Jesus to beer, and outevolved the first Alien: please give a warm welcome to Descolada!
And the honor of telling you about who did what to whom in their encounter goes to:
Complete brackets up to this point are here