Sorry, I would say I'll try harder, but I really can't. I'll try reiterating points that I've heard before and using some Makk logic, but that's not gonna help.
Umm, let's see. For the morality cause, when the people deicde that the government should be in charge of morality and vote along the lines of said morality, they are showing that they agree with the definition of morals set forth by the administration.
Blah. This just isn't fun. I could just say that I think the Democrats were being really fucking stupid in the last race. I mean, look at the shitty fucks who actually ended up with the nomination. First Howard Dean was the frontrunner, then Lurch gets into the nomination. What the hell? You dems are falling apart. You have so many *good* politicians that you could run. And now you're all talking about putting Hillary Clinton up as the nominee for 2008?? What the hell? Just keep tossing up people who suck, and we'll keep voting for someone else guys. Now, I don't mind Edwards, but I think that in 2008, you guys should really consider that guy.. Ubama? Obama? I can't remember how it's spelled. In any case, from what I've seen of him, he's a level-headed, intelligent democrat willing to repeat all the good things that Clinton embodied, and not quite as likely to do the things that got Clinton in trouble.
I just can't vote democratic with a sound mind. Gore would have fucked my shit up if he got into office back in 2000. Yeah, Bush sucks, but I don't want Gore's wife within 10 miles of the white house. That woman has done more to censor and destroy music than the FCC, MTV, the radio, and VH1 combined. That being said, I didn't know that Bush was going to censor everything else.
I wasn't old enough to vote November 2, 2000. November 10, 2000 was my 18th birthday. So no one can blame me for this mess.
I hate Bush, but I didn't think that getting Kerry in would make the world happy and shiny. I saw other candidates and picked one I actually liked. I voted with my issues, and even against my own party on a couple occasions. The thing is, I agreed with my part on most issues I could vote for, for similar reasons.
Parties are valuable to the process, but why does everyone insist that we have to vote for one or the other? It's only that mentality that makes it true! I can't stand people who will pick up a voter guide, mark their sample ballot exactly how their voter guide tells them to, then bitch when the taxes go up again because of some stupid initiative that they voted yes on. I hear about all these people who voted for the Stem Cell Research bill, and you can bet they're the ones who are going to bitch about how much Arnold has raised taxes again.
Oh, yeah, and I actually like Arnold to an extent. He's a unique Republican. Too bad he's being choked by his own party into doing things he probably doesn't want to.
Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.