I would like to bump this thread by reminding people that it is actually ESSENTIAL for Ralph Nader to run in this election. Before anyone accuses me of parroting Howard Stern, because this morning he said something similar but not the same, I had this stance when I first heard Nader was running.
We are supposed to be a democracy. It is ESSENTIAL in a democracy that we have choices. Ralph Nader represents the freedom to choose. I honestly don't think Kerry is going to be any better than Bush, but that's not even the point.
The point is that we have been so very, very limited to the two-party system that it has come to represent, now more than ever, the lesser of two evils as a standard. I don't like that idea one damn bit. Stalin over Hitler? Idi Amin or Slobodan Milosevic? Those might be extreme examples, but you get the point. How can anyone who supports democracy tell Nader not to run?
'Beat Bush at any cost'. But there IS a cost. DEMOCRATS are petitioning for Nader to NOT RUN. Did we forget what happened the last time he ran? At the Presidential Debate, he was not allowed to debate because HIS VOTE PERCENTAGE WAS NOT HIGH ENOUGH. He did not have a high enough percent to be allowed into the debate. This was because the Clinton Administration raised the percentage requirement from 5% to 7% just in time to lock Nader out of the debate. Nader had either five or six percent, I can't remember exactly. When Nader showed up at the debate, he was kept out, EVEN AS A SPECTATOR, by police and security.
Nader has said, accurately, that Washington has become 'corporate-occupied territory'. How many Democratic Senators do you think are on someone's payroll? A lot, if not all. We all know whose payroll the majority of Republicans are on, right? That's right, it's God's payroll, and Jesus is the Director of Human Resources.
Kerry considers himself a conservative, or at least that his stances are conservative. His wife seems to be pretty damn liberal, but she is conspicuously quiet during much of the Kerry hoopla.
Let Nader run, dammit. You can say that voting for Nader is throwing a possible Kerry vote away if you want. I say voting for Kerry is throwing a possible Nader vote away.
The giant three-phallused phallus of Uzbekistan will one day squirt the cosmic jizz of revenge all over Canada.