Wow... I don't remember anyone making fun of Dagmar, and if they were, I don't think it was in a derogatory way. What was it about, and where was the thread?
As for your own strips... Y'know, you've written about gaming, black metal, and have scandinavians running around in your strips, and on top of that, you're a girl, so you'd think that of all people, the guy whose forumuser character wears a Vintersorg shirt would be an instant drooling fanboy...
The strips just aren't funny. See, I can't tell, but it seems like you might have the jokes burried somewhere in the non-english, which really sucks for people who only read english. It's one thing if a minor reccuring character comes in and says something non-english from time to time, but I would not put entire panels in foreign languages without a damn good reason, because it just makes people's eyes glaze over, and wonder what the fuck they just missed.
And also the premise makes little sense... who are you and why do you have scandinavian fanboys? How did you come across them? And why aren't there clearly understandable jokes in english along the way that makes reading about it funny?
I think that's the biggest thing. Lack of jokes. It's been said before, but it's really important... More jokes. Funny ones. In english... and that don't rely on the fact that someone speaks Norwegian to be funny as a non-sequitur. Work on that first before you start trying to thrust foreign tongues down the reader's throats.