Honourable mentions, and the comics that put them there:
Kajun Firefly - Are you serious?
dcomposed - We built this city on Hash and Spam (I'm not sure why I like it, but I do.)
lara7 - Any reasonable person would agree....
kaufman - Irrefutable
drave - Knowledge can be your bitch
ObiJo - Fully Rules Non-Compliant (Just for making his comeback in my thread. The strip is, after all, non-compliant)
Scyess - Musical Debate
DexX - President of the Cosmos, Candidate Debate...
And the winner is...
Bazilla, for his mention in Kajun's [u]Are you serious?[/u]
And no, I'm not serious. The real winner is Kajun Firefly for writing [u]Are you serious?[/u] as well as this one:
[Click to view comic: 'CC118: A Crisis of Faith']
In the end, it was the fact that I liked everything you wrote that put you ahead of the other deserving competitors. The fact that I had an excuse to pretend Bazilla won was just a bonus.
"Oh, look, a joke! How original! Thank you, but if I wanted my emotions stimulated pleasurably, I'd get a whore." - Donald B. Jones III