Blt, you remind me of CHUBBY except he made incredible ammount of comics which not many were very worthwhile. Where as you make incredible ammount of posts.
So here is my advice because the Adderall I take is making me give everyone advice today.
Listen to what these people say.
When DX told you to finish college I felt a slight bit of compassion.
You also need to give up the poetry thing.
Face it, not everyone is talented.
With your unique in your face thinking pattern I believe you could actually make some good comics.
Also, check your self-esteem at the door. Here noone is king shit we are all just a bunch of dumbasses making comics. Some are good, some suck harder than [Random celebrity here.]
I find myself not hating you that much anymore. If you were to take my advice, who knows maybe you could become the CHUBBY of this generation (except not banned)
Also, keep you political/social leanings off of us. We hate stuff too but we don't say everyone are stupid for hating some other stuff. You have to remember that everyone here is human (except biped I have no fucking clue what that guy is) and we are basically the same.
Heed my advice, and welcome to stripcreator.
possible savior probable SEX MACHINE