Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » cool people need cool comics...
areallystupidguy Poison Gas Pokemon
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and REALLY cool people (that's you guys) need REALLY cool comics (those'd be mine)! the early ones suck, but i've gotten better.
[Click to view comic: 'Jesus and Satan'] [Click to view comic: 'Pirates!'] [Click to view comic: 'blue guy meets an alien!'] [Click to view comic: 'POKEMON!!!1!']
and that's only a small samplin' of the wonderful joy! hooray!
---It's grime time.
Matchbook_Romance Going. Coming.
The first and last one I liked, keep up the good work! =D
Ekpyro Melodramatic Exile
Tsk. That's 'got better'.
---I am a Strange One/'His world is small.'/ 'I love hunting foxes - Ginger Bastards!'/ 'They weren't aiming at us, Not at my house' - Dead Prez/ The Pravda-Raï Party: Triumphing over Diversity
Drexle Your Cure for Lameness
I really enjoyed "The Konami Code." It's based on fact, you know.
Ahsirakh Pink Donkey Wrangler
I liked the Konami Code and the Pacman comics.
You seem to be good at comics involving console games, keep it up.
DARN_TUTEN I love my mom
us cool people have GOTTEN nearly extinct
---tis better to be an asshole than a whole ass!!
KajunFirefly chooby digital (in stereo)
I read these comics earlier, rather than load them and read them again, I'll just guess that I probably liked them, I think.
---Dad was flammable
reload page with comics