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Suggestions for amorphis:
1. amorphous
One entry found for amorphous.
Main Entry: amor·phous
Pronunciation: &-'mor-f&s
Function: adjective
Etymology: Greek amorphos, from a- + morphE form
Date: circa 1731
1 a : having no definite form : SHAPELESS b : being without definite character or nature : UNCLASSIFIABLE c : lacking organization or unity
2 : having no real or apparent crystalline form : UNCRYSTALLIZED
- amor·phous·ly adverb
- amor·phous·ness noun
One entry found for androgynous.
Main Entry: an·drog·y·nous
Pronunciation: an-'drä-j&-n&s
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin androgynus hermaphrodite, from Greek androgynos, from andr- + gynE woman -- more at QUEEN
Date: 1651
1 : having the characteristics or nature of both male and female
2 a : neither specifically feminine nor masculine b : suitable to or for either sex
3 : having traditional male and female roles obscured or reversed
- an·drog·y·ny /-nE/ noun
I think androgynous is what you meant.
Nope, you're mistaken. "Amorphis" is the name of a band from Finland. I also know that the regular spelling is "amorphous," but considering that these guys *are* from Finland, they probably have a different way of spelling the word.