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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Subdivision By Zero



Director of Cats

Member Rated:

Subdivision by Zero by kaufman
A lot of neighborhoods name all their streets after a common theme. Around here, we have subdivisions with streets named after golf courses, after types of classical music, etc.
In downtown Chicago, all the streets are named after presidents. In one part of Washington, they're named after trees, in another after letters of the alphabet ...
You can't miss it. It's over on U Street.
Huh? Is that U Street, Yew Street, or Kaufman Street?
But, if I may be so bold as to hazard a guess, there is one thing they'll never name the streets in a subdivision after ...

Why they don't name streets after rock bands by kaufman
And my address is 69 Megadeth Lane.
Yeah, Right.
Deliver it to 3 10,000 Maniacs Avenue.
That's house number 310,000 on Maniacs Avenue.
Send it to 145 ? And The Mysterians Way.
145 what and the Mysterians Way?

First on Who by kaufman
... and my address is 1 Who Street.
1 What Street?
Not What, Who?
You, stupid, where do you live?
1 Who Street!
How should I know?

Subdivision by 1999 by kaufman
I'll need to know the name of the street to pick you up on.
Look, I'd tell you the name of my street if I could, but I can't pronounce it.
You can't? Is it French or something? Can you at least spell it?
No I can't. It's not letters. It's sort of a squiggly thing with an arrow coming out of the bottom, and ...
I'm sorry, that doesn't help. Try another taxi service.
Wait, have you got any old maps around? This street used to be called Prince Place up until a year or two ago.


9-26-03 11:53am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Crash Magnet

Member Rated:

Thanks for posting that in this forum. It needed some cheering up.

9-26-03 8:35pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

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