Director of Cats
Member Rated:
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| A lot of neighborhoods name all their streets after a common theme. Around here, we have subdivisions with streets named after golf courses, after types of classical music, etc. | |
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In downtown Chicago, all the streets are named after presidents. In one part of Washington, they're named after trees, in another after letters of the alphabet ...
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| You can't miss it. It's over on U Street. | |
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| Huh? Is that U Street, Yew Street, or Kaufman Street? | |
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| But, if I may be so bold as to hazard a guess, there is one thing they'll never name the streets in a subdivision after ... | |
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| And my address is 69 Megadeth Lane. | |
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| Deliver it to 3 10,000 Maniacs Avenue. | |
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| That's house number 310,000 on Maniacs Avenue. | |
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| Send it to 145 ? And The Mysterians Way. | |
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| 145 what and the Mysterians Way? | |
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| ... and my address is 1 Who Street. | |
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| You, stupid, where do you live? | |
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| I'll need to know the name of the street to pick you up on. | |
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| Look, I'd tell you the name of my street if I could, but I can't pronounce it. | |
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| You can't? Is it French or something? Can you at least spell it? | |
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| No I can't. It's not letters. It's sort of a squiggly thing with an arrow coming out of the bottom, and ... | |
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| I'm sorry, that doesn't help. Try another taxi service. | |
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| Wait, have you got any old maps around? This street used to be called Prince Place up until a year or two ago. | |
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--- ken.kaufman@gmail.com