Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » A Night at the Office
DragonXero I'm Here, You're Queer, Get Used to it
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After much annoyance suffered at my job (company name not mentioned so I don't get fired, god knows that would be AWFUL), I decided to write angsty comics about my life there. Enjoy teh sukc. [Click to view comic: 'A Day (Night) at the Office II'] [Click to view comic: 'A Night at the Office III (Work, or High School??)'] [Click to view comic: 'A Night at the Office IV'] [Click to view comic: 'A Night at the Office V'] [Click to view comic: 'A Night at the Office VI'] [Click to view comic: 'A Night at the Office VII'] [Click to view comic: 'A Night at the Office VIII']
No, not nearly as epic as my 30 strips of "An Epic Quest of Mytical Proportions" but after all, it was an EPIC quest!
---Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.
CrunchyCheese Hungry like the wolf
I like em - keep up the good work
---There's a fine line between visionary and wacko ~ greinhart
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