The World Scrabble Championships are happening this weekend. I think the final match will be televised by ESPN here in the states (I don't know if they're planning on showing more than the final match).
Damn, umfum, first you're two days behind; then, you're two days ahead. What gives?
Pressure, man. I've got a pregnant wife who can't do much of anything. I've got to get everything at work caught up so the place doesn't shut down while I'm gone...
Frankie say, "Get off the Stress Bus at RELAX Street!"
Plus, I'm moderating the CD Swap! This daily comic is truly the LAST thing on my mind.
Well, at least you remembered to tell everyone that the WORLD SCRABBLE CHAMPIONSHIP will be televised on ESPN at 3:30pm (EST) on Sunday November 9th.
I did?
This is my comic about what would happen if sc characters were involved in the Scrabble Championships:
I don't believe what I just saw. Captain Obvious had the letters ONDROUS on his rack in that order. He must have seen it, but declined the easy bingo in favor of a shorter word.
WEHN: 20 points.
WORD: 8 points.
NEEDENT. Nubble netter nona D. Mendoints.
And at table 7, it looks like Captain Monosyllabic wants to challenge Bob Dylan, but he can't get the words out.
(Table 5) The match is heating up, and by an amazing coincidence both players have exactly the same tiles in their racks, I wonder what they will do with them...
SUCKY: 14 Points
SUCKYSUCKY: plus double word score 56 points
MOH: 8 Points
And over on Table 2, Osama's fight against the Skeleton has just seen a breakthrough...
Ah stupid infidel you have left the door open for me again, by using your H along with my J, I, A and D, treble word score JIHAD: 48 points