They (I won't tell you whom, but their name rhymes with "Vest Buy") had wanted to get rid of me for a while, and part of me wishes the excuse I wound up giving them had been a good deal dramatic.
The short version is, my new asshole GM came around and browbeat me for not finishing a task that requires about three people (I was alone). Rather than get in an argument, I practiced what he correctly identified as passive resistance, embarking on a task that, while technically a part of my duties, he didn't really want me to do. I was scheduled out at 8:00, he berated me at 8:15, and the task I undertook would have lasted until midnight. He didn't appreciated my diligence.
The funny part is that in the letter he wrote to attach to the HR paperwork, he likens me to Gandhi and uses that as his rationale for firing me. Needless to say, I've been accused of worse (:
Anyhoo, I would have quit the job a long time ago, except that would have disqualified me from unemployment insurance; therefore, in a pretty roundabout way, I win. I can get paid (if not much) for recording my album, which I didn't have time to do whilst employed. Viva indeed.
- - fuck a cat, kill yourself - my alter ego has five stars