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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Only the strong of stomach need apply.



Too orangey for crows

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The weapon? Haiku
The subject? Goatse (and friends)
The reason? The honour of a woman

Duelling Goatse Haikus.. by smamurai
Choose your weapon fool, be it pistols or haiku? Sword or pointy stick?
I plump for haiku, as the setting here is apt, and I fear pain.
One bottle wine-rack, Large torpedo hit the slot, Beer can in warm fridge.
Watch it fall from grace, Stool slips out of it's own will, Never squeeze again.
Shiny toothless mouth, Mouthing words of shame and fear, Never smell it's breath
Expulsion of air, Reverbates around the halls, Skin didgeridoo.

Duelling Goatse Haikus... by smamurai
Meat meat red raw meat, Marbled sinewy raw red gape, Scald 3rd degree bum.
Cling onto the sides, Descent into the malestrom, Down the burrow go.
Fear the swinging knob, The pit and the pendulum, Fall into darkness.
Join with your sister, Mainline her warm enema, Sit on tub-girls ass.
Pot-hole-ing venture, Wrap faeces around your waist, Link up man to man.
Discover your roots, You eat what he has eaten, Return to the womb.

Duelling Goatse Haikus..... by smamurai
Bear him on your head, Goatse won't let you stumble, Two become tall God.
Not scared of the dark, For I have spent many long nights, Foraging for spleen.
Holier than thou, None canst be, you truly have, The gates of heaven.
Hole man role model, Superhero to tight-butts, They want to be you.
Allergic to lube, You show us how not to need, vaseline again.
You had a dream, The man who would be Ring-King, Your subjects hail you.

Duelling Goatse Haikus....... by smamurai
Fresh scene of a crime, Everything to see here, Forced entry? Exit wound?
Mark St. Goatses day, Patron Saint of train drivers, And chimeny sweeps.
His burning ember, Is a beacon for us all, It's message is clear.
He tore asunder, United States of Ass-hole, Anarchy is truth.
You glorius bitch! I die now.
Ha ha! I won. So I was correct, your mother is a bit of a slag.

And the moral of the story? Overloading on goatse imagery can kill a man dead. Unless that man be Spanky-boy Spankling.

GOVT. Warning: Do not smoke around children they will badger you for fags.

3-17-04 8:34am (new)
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Horny Female Tentacled Kaiju from Outer Space

Member Rated:

I hate haiku.
It has no meaning for me,
because it bores me.

I will rate you hard, and unendingly.

3-17-04 9:14am (new)
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Member - Tobor Fan Club

Member Rated:

"Meat meat red raw meat, Marbled sinewy raw red gape, Scald 3rd degree bum."


There was once a man who said:"nothing is true!". Although later it was found out that he was lying.

3-17-04 12:24pm (new)
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Crash Magnet

Member Rated:


3-18-04 1:21am (new)
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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Only the strong of stomach need apply.

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