Too orangey for crows
Member Rated:
The weapon? Haiku
The subject? Goatse (and friends)
The reason? The honour of a woman
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| Choose your weapon fool, be it pistols or haiku? Sword or pointy stick? | |
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| I plump for haiku, as the setting here is apt, and I fear pain. | |
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| One bottle wine-rack, Large torpedo hit the slot, Beer can in warm fridge. | |
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| Watch it fall from grace, Stool slips out of it's own will, Never squeeze again. | |
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| Shiny toothless mouth, Mouthing words of shame and fear, Never smell it's breath | |
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| Expulsion of air, Reverbates around the halls, Skin didgeridoo. | |
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| Meat meat red raw meat, Marbled sinewy raw red gape, Scald 3rd degree bum. | |
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| Cling onto the sides, Descent into the malestrom, Down the burrow go. | |
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| Fear the swinging knob, The pit and the pendulum, Fall into darkness. | |
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| Join with your sister, Mainline her warm enema, Sit on tub-girls ass. | |
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| Pot-hole-ing venture, Wrap faeces around your waist, Link up man to man. | |
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| Discover your roots, You eat what he has eaten, Return to the womb. | |
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| Bear him on your head, Goatse won't let you stumble, Two become tall God. | |
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| Not scared of the dark, For I have spent many long nights, Foraging for spleen. | |
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| Holier than thou, None canst be, you truly have, The gates of heaven. | |
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| Hole man role model, Superhero to tight-butts, They want to be you. | |
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| Allergic to lube, You show us how not to need, vaseline again. | |
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| You had a dream, The man who would be Ring-King, Your subjects hail you. | |
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| Fresh scene of a crime, Everything to see here, Forced entry? Exit wound? | |
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| Mark St. Goatses day, Patron Saint of train drivers, And chimeny sweeps. | |
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| His burning ember, Is a beacon for us all, It's message is clear. | |
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| He tore asunder, United States of Ass-hole, Anarchy is truth. | |
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| You glorius bitch! I die now. | |
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| Ha ha! I won. So I was correct, your mother is a bit of a slag. | |
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And the moral of the story? Overloading on goatse imagery can kill a man dead. Unless that man be Spanky-boy Spankling.
GOVT. Warning: Do not smoke around children they will badger you for fags.