Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » My High School Physics Teacher Was a Genius?
smokingmonkey Stripcreator Newbie
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[Click to view comic: 'My High School Physics Teacher Was a Genius?']
biped Mr. Wonderful
Member Rated:
I find your comics to be fairly humorous, and deserving of being responded to in a somewhat complimentary manner, which I am now doing.
---Legend, oh legend, the third wheel legend...always in the way.
Noodle_Stick Junior Comic Technician
Im sorry, you dont beat fawful, biped.
Here I am laughing at you!
Princess peach is the sandwich of the plan! I am the delicious mustard! The mustard of your doom! (something like that)
Btw, fawful is from a mario game for GBA
---PRAISE ME! I! AM THE RULER... OF THE UNI- aw damn a dog crapped on my shoe.
quote:Im sorry, you dont beat fawful, biped.
I'm not quite sure what you just said, but I'll assume that it was something about how superior I am to everyone else.
CowTipper Impressionable Adolescent
Oh. I get it now.
---I think, therefore I make comments on a forum.
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