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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Rough Start, needing feedback.



Stripcreator Newbie

One more time, fuck mozilla auto-fill!

Don't touch me.

6-04-04 11:51pm (new)
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Riding through your town with his head on fire

Member Rated:

Skippy the Wonder Dog by unbeliever
Skippy Visits Hell.
WTF mate?
. . .
And a few too many Ho's.

I thought this one was pretty good. Solid humor and an amusing take on the old "Ho ho ho" joke.

Didn't care for the rest. If I could give only one piece of advice to all future strippers, it would be "Random and nonsensical does not equal funny".

Welcome to the site.

The what mentioned above is total fiction. Please don't take it seriously!

6-05-04 1:09am (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

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I thought this one was pretty good. Solid humor and an amusing take on the old "Ho ho ho" joke.

Didn't care for the rest. If I could give only one piece of advice to all future strippers, it would be "Random and nonsensical does not equal funny".

Welcome to the site.

Well my sense of humor is very very dry, usually deadpan and I enjoy the whole uncomfortable silence/pause thing. That's what I personally find amusing. Also I can see how the other two might not work for everybody, being a bit more offensive and in the Jesus strip, blasphemous (from the point of view of a christian anyway hehe).

I appreciate the feedback and I'll try not to get discouraged with my one screw up (the granny one with the auto-fill from the jesus strip, I need to figure out how to turn off the auto-fill for that page). I did like my granny one though, Matlock is always funny. :d

Don't touch me.

6-05-04 10:07am (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

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Okay so I guess I'm going to serialize Skippy the Wonder Dog. Or at least try to. Here is today's work.

Skippy the Wonder Dog by unbeliever
Skippy Visits Hell - Day 2
So what's your excuse?
pocket pool. . .
Umm. . . That's all?
Well. . .
! ! !
I raped a clown and burned down the Red Star Circus.

Skippy the Wonder Dog by unbeliever
Skippy Visits Hell - Day 2 cont'd
You murdering bastard! You killed my friends!
Well yeah.
Oh my!

Skippy the Wonder Dog by unbeliever
Skippy Visits Hell - Day 2 cont'd
Look, circus freak, you're gonna have to leave.
Woof Woof, woof Woof bark!
I speak Dog you asshole. . . And fuck your mother's ass too.

To be continued...

Don't touch me.

6-05-04 10:57am (new)
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Riding through your town with his head on fire

Member Rated:

I wouldn't worry about being blasphemous. The heathens are in charge around here.

The latest strips are alright. Keep it up.

So what was granny supposed to be saying in the second panel?

The what mentioned above is total fiction. Please don't take it seriously!

6-05-04 2:41pm (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

I wouldn't worry about being blasphemous. The heathens are in charge around here.

The latest strips are alright. Keep it up.

So what was granny supposed to be saying in the second panel?

Nothing. It was supposed to be one of those akward pauses basically. *shrug*

Don't touch me.

6-05-04 8:22pm (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

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More Skippy:

Skippy the Wonder Dog by unbeliever
Showdown with the Devil.
You know, you seem *really* familiar.
By the power of Satan, reveal yourself!
Apollyon, is that you? I thought you were retired?

Skippy the Wonder Dog by unbeliever
Showdown with the Devil cont'd.
I *was* retired and slumming in the Red Star Circus. Until it was burned down.
Your meddling ass will be ground beneath my boots!
You're not wearing any boots. Asshole.

Skippy the Wonder Dog by unbeliever
FIGHT! Round One.
You shall feel the wrath of The Destroyer!
Take this, you foul loathsome beast!
Hey guys, this may take awhile.
Yeah, you gentle readers can go play outside or something if you want.

Skippy the Wonder Dog by unbeliever
FIGHT! Round Two - 10 years later.
Time for a new tactic.
Wha, what's this?
Nooooo! Not that! Anything but Celine!
Taste grammy award winning garbage you rat bastard!
Grrraaaghhhh. . .

Skippy the Wonder Dog by unbeliever
Well I guess I'm the new Prince of Hell. Again.
Oooh yeah, I'd tap that ass.
Lassie! Here girl!

Going more for backstory than scathing humor, for now anyway.

Don't touch me.

6-06-04 12:43pm (new)
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Horny Female Tentacled Kaiju from Outer Space

Member Rated:

They're slightly amusing.

I will rate you hard, and unendingly.

6-06-04 2:32pm (new)
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Member Rated:

I gotta say, I REALLY fucking hate it when people name their comics all one thing. People want to be able to navigate your comics without having to guess a random number. It really pisses me off.

Other than that they're mostly unfunny.

6-06-04 2:35pm (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

I gotta say, I REALLY fucking hate it when people name their comics all one thing. People want to be able to navigate your comics without having to guess a random number. It really pisses me off.

Other than that they're mostly unfunny.

Well they're dated and they auto-sort in order. Not sure how that is so confusing. . . Nevertheless, I will take your advice anyway and add a qualifying tailer to each to idenfity them. Maybe an abbreviation for the name STWD - FIGHT! Round One. Something like that.

As for un-funny, I never claimed I was good, just that I enjoy it. :)

Don't touch me.

6-06-04 9:14pm (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

More blasphemy. This one got a couple of good laughs from friends, but.. well.. they're friends so some opinions from total strangers are welcome. :D

Laugh = Hell. by unbeliever
Cybersex for the Masses. . .
13, Female, Russia
You sound sexy! Do you want a spicey sausage up your pooper?
Well. . .
. . .Okay but go slow, I'm a virgin.
*I poke you in your dirty brown-eye with my throbbing beefstick.*

Don't touch me.

6-07-04 12:20am (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

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Quick little 2 strip series. More blasphemy!

Interstellar Cybersex (Part 1) by unbeliever
Do you like anal prob.. I mean sex?
Oh yes, it's my favourite thing. Please put your manrod deep in me!
*Slides his giant earth-man penis into your rectal cavity*
wtf are you like a doctor or something?
No. I'm just your average everyday joe-earthling. I like beer, monster trucks and anal sex.
Oh okay. . . I feel your massive johnson slide into my virgin fart tube.

Interstellar Cybersex (Part 2) by unbeliever
Man they were right, earth girls ARE easy. . .
Hello? Are we still doing the anal?
Yes yes, you love it don't you bitch?
Oh baby yes! Oh shoot I have to go, I have company coming over. . .
Time to fill some choir boys with the spirit of the Lord.

Don't touch me.

6-07-04 10:49pm (new)
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Stabbity stab stab

Member Rated:

I laughed ... at the last three.

6-07-04 11:01pm (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

oooh, political now. ;)

Cthulhu's Eulogy. by unbeliever
We are gathered here today to honor a great champion of our cause. He was taken unjustly before he could further our end.
Although his most staunch allies turned against what he stood for and have already begun to subvert his work, his legacy will live on. Few of us have done so much as this man.
R.I.P. Ronald Reagan!

Don't touch me.

6-09-04 10:02am (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

More blasphemy!

Too Many Christians... by unbeliever
Hey man, what are you doing?
I've decided to start breeding animals for fun and profit. Also to kill and eat my enemies.
Cool! Whatcha breeding? Sea monkeys?
Not exactly.
So what then?

Don't forget to buy the shirt.


Don't touch me.

6-16-04 12:40pm (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

More commentary. :)

Papers please by unbeliever
Hiibel v. Sixth Judicial District Court of Nevada
This guy sure looks suspicious...
Peace to all mankind!
Okay pal, lets see some ID.
My name is Moonflower Soulbeam.
Drat! Now I can't arrest him!

Don't touch me.

6-22-04 10:35am (new)
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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Rough Start, needing feedback.

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