Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » 5 Random Comics- I'm going downhill, weeee!
FrixFrax F...R..I...
Member Rated:
[Click to view comic: 'Farm Stories 1'] [Click to view comic: 'Farm Stories 2'] [Click to view comic: 'I came for that pork chop for lunch!'] [Click to view comic: 'It's a life of FrixFrax!'] [Click to view comic: 'Wire']
---Is it wrong to laugh?
biped Mr. Wonderful
I thought these comics were rather clever.
---Legend, oh legend, the third wheel legend...always in the way.
I'm going to assume clever has a hidden meaning...
No, you aren't.
I am!
JESUSSANDWICH is a wonderful person
Frix Frax why oh why are you such a genius?
---possible savior probable SEX MACHINE
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