Welcome to Movie Banter, with your host, Bongo.
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| Thank you for joining us. Tonight we are talking to controversial poultry star Diablo. Welcome to the show. | |
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| Thanks Bongo, it's great to be here. | |
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| Can we talk about your new film, Why The Chicken Crossed The Road. Some are calling a crass cash-in, and others hailing it as a masterpiece. What is your view? | |
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| I don't see what the fuss is about. We approached the subject-matter with great reverence and respect. Some details had to change, of course - that is the nature of cinema. | |
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| Some people have objected to the explicit sex scene... | |
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| Prudes... it was handled very tactfuly, and 100% in context with the story. Besides, Jon and I both felt comfortable with it, so we thought, what the hell! | |
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