Since I've dropped two stars since I've made these... I guess I need to make the disclaimer that I in fact do not favor banning gay marraige. I was assuming that the arguments were so absurd that nobody would take me seriously. Now, if you don't find the comics funny, feel free to bash me, but at least read them first.
I mean, c'mon, that third one is pretty damn good. If I do say so myself.
The first was the best. The rest were technically good, too, but I'm not a big fan of political comics.
I think you'd have to be pretty dense not to understand that ChromeSteel is in favor of gay marriage from his comics... unless people read the title and didn't bother with the comics.
To be honest, I wasn't sure if these were satire or sincere until #4, and that was only because he indicated where he got his anti-gay rant. Well, okay, a true Bible thumper wouldn't have had Jesus trolling in a gay bar either. The problem is that I hear people who truly believe this crap spewing it everyday, so I guess I read them with a biased eye.