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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Referendum on GAY MARRAIGE



Stripcreator Newbie

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I would like to thank you for considering with an open mind the fair and balanced arguments I have made below.

Why gay marraige should be banned by ChromeSteel
Lance, I think it's time we started thinking about adoption.
Oh Irvin!...I don't know what to say. I'm shocked. You know how I feel about this.
Well it's something I feel very strongly about.
What brought all this on?
Well, our sex life has gotten quite stale lately, and I thought a threesome would help spice things up a little.
Ooo, good idea.

Why gay marraige should be banned II by ChromeSteel
*Flashback to Gloryhole, the hippest, trendiest gay club in Nazareth*
Hey baby, nice ass. Wanna go back to my place?
Ew, get the hell away from me. Call me when you've got your grooming in order.
Ooo! How about you? You've got a pretty mouth.
Um... no. I'm not into that whole diaper fetish. Freak.

Why gay marraige should be banned III by ChromeSteel
"I now pronounce you spouses for life."
And that is the story of how the humans created a rip in the fabric of space-time, causing their galaxy to collapse into a black hole and DIE.
I don't care, I'm still in love with you.

Why gay marraige should be banned IV by ChromeSteel
"Homosexuality is an evil spirit that attacks, corrupts, perverts... and gains control over one's sexual desire and sex drive. _ It attacks one's mind with homosexual 'thoughts'." *
*taken from an evangelical christian website
Yes folks, we are a nation infested with demons. Why, if we legalize gay marraige, we'll have another 'Ghostbusters' on our hands! Fuckin' demons everywhere. Eating our children. The bastards.

Why gay marraige should be banned V by ChromeSteel
The Fairies Union would finally stop bitching about the besmirching of their good name.
That hot gay guy in class would finally see the error of his ways and start talking to you.
The credibility that legalization would give to homosexuality would rob us of one of our most fundamental arguments.
Osama bin Laden is so gay.

On a side note, it's good to be back making comics :)

I used to be mikeweeney.

12-27-04 1:06am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

Since I've dropped two stars since I've made these... I guess I need to make the disclaimer that I in fact do not favor banning gay marraige. I was assuming that the arguments were so absurd that nobody would take me seriously. Now, if you don't find the comics funny, feel free to bash me, but at least read them first.

I mean, c'mon, that third one is pretty damn good. If I do say so myself.

I used to be mikeweeney.

12-27-04 6:59am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

not laughing with you

Member Rated:

The first was the best. The rest were technically good, too, but I'm not a big fan of political comics.

I think you'd have to be pretty dense not to understand that ChromeSteel is in favor of gay marriage from his comics... unless people read the title and didn't bother with the comics.

(Another drawback of political comics.)

peddling the funny around since 09/24/2002

12-27-04 8:33am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Film critic subordinaire

Member Rated:

What is gay marraige anyway?

12-27-04 9:33am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Heart stopper. Hip hopper. Pill popper.

Member Rated:

Guys, give ChromeSteel a break. It's called satire. I'll do my best to get your rating back up.

Destroying my reputation one post at a time.

12-27-04 9:57am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Your Gay

Member Rated:

To be honest, I wasn't sure if these were satire or sincere until #4, and that was only because he indicated where he got his anti-gay rant. Well, okay, a true Bible thumper wouldn't have had Jesus trolling in a gay bar either. The problem is that I hear people who truly believe this crap spewing it everyday, so I guess I read them with a biased eye.

Anyway, welcome back.

12-27-04 11:01am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

Thanks for the kind words folks.

I used to be mikeweeney.

12-27-04 11:30am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Referendum on GAY MARRAIGE

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