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Stripcreator » More Comic Competitions » New Faces of 2004



Crash Magnet

Member Rated:

Yeah, yeah, yeah...I know there's some sort of Newb Contest floating out there in this forum, but here is an idea we started last year--acknowledging and crowning the Best New Strippers of the last year.

Last year, it was posted in Comic Showcase, but that was before the More CC's forum, so I'll stick it here and volunteer to moderate it. Here's how it works:

This will be a quick contest involving only comics created in 2004 by those who joined in 2004. If you joined prior to 2004, but created an alias in 2004, you are not eligible!

Here's how the contest will run:

I'll post a topic, and you PM me the comic number of what you think is your best comic in that category.

All comics submitted must have been created in 2004--no new comics will be accepted. Once the deadline is up for PM's, I'll post the comics and voting will commence. If you don't get your comic PM'ed to me prior to the deadline, then you sit out that round.

Voting is open to anyone. At the end of the voting period, a winner in that category is declared and the next topic is posted with a new PM deadline.

At the end of the contest, all votes cast will be tallied and whomever receives the most votes during the contest across all categories will be crowned Best New Stripper of 2004. The categories will be general enough to ensure a wide array of strippers can participate.

The first category is "Best First Strip." PM me the first comic you made on Stripcreator by midnight Stripcreator time Thursday.

1-03-05 7:21pm (new)
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Product of The California School System

Member Rated:

I deleted the first comic I ever made:(

Get Your War On

1-03-05 10:39pm (new)
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Professional style cramper

Member Rated:

We should do another one of these for the non-new members. Sort of an "SC Year In Review".


1-03-05 11:21pm (new)
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Member Rated:

i will win this.

Batman created by Bob Kane

1-04-05 7:58am (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

I joined in late 2004, this is my very first comic I made of the Alien Office series.
Alien Office -Restroom by d_Random
11:30 am at the office
Hey john, why so glum?
I just tried to go to the restroom and the stench was unbearable.
Why don't you just hold your nose?
Cuz I gotta take a wiz and there are pecker-checkers in there. I usually use my other hand to block stray eyeballs.
Sucks for you.
It won't be the first time I'ved pissed in my office chair.

[br] ALIEN OFFICE -please kill my co-workers

1-05-05 1:23pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

not laughing with you

Member Rated:

So far, I like yours best.

peddling the funny around since 09/24/2002

1-05-05 3:56pm (new)
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Crash Magnet

Member Rated:

No, no, no...I'll post the comics all at once tomorrow night. So far, I have 8 entries, including d's above. If any other n00b's want to join in on the fun, they can PM me their first comics.

Round two will be announced tomorrow two so the voting can proceed while I collect more entries.

1-05-05 5:49pm (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

Oops! Sorry, I jumped the gun!

[br] ALIEN OFFICE -please kill my co-workers

1-06-05 9:36am (new)
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Crash Magnet

Member Rated:

Okay, here it goes. Everybody had to start off somewhere, and this is how each of our first contestants burst onto the Stripcreator scene.

Anyone can vote. If you award a tie, I'll split your vote. Also, a few strippers started out with different accounts before settling into the nicknames we all know and sometimes love, so I'm allowing aliases, as long as the user didn't join SC prior to 2004.

Vote Now: Best First Strip!

The indescribable pleasure of a tortured soul by TooMuchCoffeeGuy
Life IS like a box of chocolates.
Some bastard that doesn't appreciate their yummy goodness always picks my coffee cream out at random, then goes yuck, and spits it out...
And leaves it half chewed on a plate at the side of the room, to taunt me, while I sit, furiously chewing on a foul turkish delight, and concocting images of murderous rage.

Mel Gibson's Legacy by Externalization
The Gospel according to Mel...
Lord, I have witnessed your sacrifice this day and am moved. I wish to learn your Word. How may I live in your image?
It is simple, my son. A man must live a life of purity, humility, faithfulness, and anti-Semitism to reach the Kingdom of Heaven.
Yes, my Lord, I--wait, did you say anti-Semitism???
Did you know that an international Jewish banking conspiracy controls the media? Oh, and the Holocaust never happened.
Ah... sure... Look, I'm going to go hang out with the Hare Krishnas at the airport now, okay?

My First Comic: Incest by ftc
Were your parents brother and sister too?

R2's Adventures In Chi-Town: The Stereophonics Show by r2_d2
"Stereophonics: Free concert at The Cubby Bear Wrigleyville"
Can I see your ticket?
What do you mean "ticket"?
You need a ticket to get in.
Your sign says this is a "Free" Show?
It is if you have a ticket.  We didn't put that on the sign because then you wouldn't have come and bought any $4 drinks.
Leave it to Clear Channel to do to live music what they did to radio.

My names Roman!
Nobody cares
and more to come
DUDE Shut up all you talk is shit
shut up you think your smarter than everyone but youre not!!!!!
That was "so" smart i think you should write that down *wink wink* (Roman doesnt get its sarcasm)

1-06-05 9:14pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Crash Magnet

Member Rated:

Alien Office -Restroom by d_Random
11:30 am at the office
Hey john, why so glum?
I just tried to go to the restroom and the stench was unbearable.
Why don't you just hold your nose?
Cuz I gotta take a wiz and there are pecker-checkers in there. I usually use my other hand to block stray eyeballs.
Sucks for you.
It won't be the first time I'ved pissed in my office chair.

An auspicious beginning. by SpideyChris
In today's top story, an unoriginal hack uses a gimmick website to fashion another weakly designed comic strip.
The "creator" has assured skeptics that he has highly capable assistants to provide him with creative, plot-driven material.
Enough that I believe my toilet's a Transformer, thanks.

Babyfat by CHUBBY
How's your sister? I haven't seen her since high school. Is she still--
Fat? Well, a few years ago, her boyfriend put her on a diet and she lost a TON of weight. She had always been too fat before to wear my hand-me-downs.
Then I get pregnant and she's wearing my clothes. Then she got married and got fat again. But since the baby, she's been wearing my hand-me-downs again.
But you look like you lost your baby weight.
I did. she's wearing my MATERNITY CLOTHES!

Go forth and... by quodlibet
With these hammer and nails, go forth and build great works for the Lord.

Diseases today... by cowtipper
God I'm so stressed. The other day my cousin had surgery on her knee, my uncle got SARS and my brother got pneumonia!
Yeah I know. And my grandmother was just diagnosed with alzeimers, my dog just got rabies, my mom thinks she has mad cow disease, AND my aunt almost went on a hijacked plane! Well I'll see you around.
Alright bye.
Wow... I feel like such a jerk for almost complaining about my sore thumb.

1-06-05 9:16pm (new)
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Crash Magnet

Member Rated:

Okay, contestants--PM me the URL to the Last Strip you made in 2004 by Monday night.

1-06-05 9:20pm (new)
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Member Rated:


Batman created by Bob Kane

1-06-05 11:49pm (new)
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blamange impersonator and cannibal

Member Rated:

My vote goes to SpideyChris.

1-07-05 6:46am (new)
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Definitely drunk

Member Rated:

I'll vote for d_Random. ftc's comic was hilarious though.

Oh, in case anyone cares TooMuchCoffeeGuy was my first account.

Dinosaurs had eggs bro, the chicken came way later.

1-07-05 2:21pm (new)
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Junior Comic Technician

Member Rated:

Hmm. It's pretty much a toss-up between ftc and quodlibet, but I think I like quodlibet's better, so... I'm voting for quodlibet.

1-07-05 8:01pm (new)
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The Host of Chaos

Member Rated:


"If you can't keep it in your pants, keep it in your family"

1-08-05 12:23am (new)
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not laughing with you

Member Rated:

I almost have to go with d_Random, but in the end I can't resist TooMuchCoffeeGuy.

peddling the funny around since 09/24/2002

1-08-05 9:53am (new)
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Senior Comic Technician

Member Rated:

ftc should have at least one vote, so here it is.


1-08-05 10:59am (new)
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Level 1 Forum Troll

Member Rated:

Externalization gets my vote, with ftc and d_Random as runners-up.

Think classy, you'll be classy.

1-08-05 6:09pm (new)
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is never bored.

Member Rated:


Mediocrity at its most average.

1-08-05 8:03pm (new)
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Wait for it...

Member Rated:

I split my vote between Externalization and r2_d2.

I was gonna send a robot back in time, but I got high.

1-08-05 9:54pm (new)
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Comic Overlord

Member Rated:


"Oh, look, a joke! How original! Thank you, but if I wanted my emotions stimulated pleasurably, I'd get a whore." - Donald B. Jones III

1-09-05 2:16pm (new)
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Crash Magnet

Member Rated:

I'm going to break the 4-way tie and vote for d_random. d_random wins Best First Strip...but we're just beginning...this is anybody's contest since all votes count in the final tally.

Contestants: send me the URL for your Personal Favorite Strip by Friday.

Everyone else: Vote now for Best Last Strip of 2004:

FTC 46: What A CliffHanger by ftc
I M GOIN 2 RAPP U!!!111
Oh no!
Tune in next week when...
Hey, I found my pants!

FTC 49: ...we're a hap-py fam-il-y! by quodlibet
I hope you enjoyed the dinner, my dear.
Oh Neal... This has been such a romantic Christmas night. You shouldn't have!
I'm afraid I should have... Because tonight is the night I must tell you my dark secret!
What's that?
I was the man -- and the voice -- behind Barney the purple dinosaur.
Oh GOD. I knew you were too good to be true. Stay away from me, you freak!

I didn't go to church on Christmas
Are you there god? It's me, Cowtipper. Sorry I missed your son's birthday party. Amen.
  by CowTipper, 12-27-04 

1-10-05 9:02pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Crash Magnet

Member Rated:

Alien Office -Pepi LePew by d_Random
2:00pm at the Office
Oh god! What is that smell?
You like? I haven't bathed in a week.
Why not? Is your shower broken?
Hell no! This is my new co-worker aversion tactic.
So how is it working so far?
Let just say that this is a failed experiment.

My Big Fat Obnoxious President by Externalization
We took this dimwitted, coke-addled hillbilly frat boy and tried to pass him off as the winner of a presidential election.
Our nation must come together to unite.
Welcome to his world.
Watch him strain his credibility more each week as he presents ridiculous challenges to the American people.
Jesus told me to throw out the Bill of Rights in the name of homeland security.
Whatever you say, chief.
Who will be eliminated next?
Saddam... get the hell out of your office!
Boy, won`t their faces be red once they realize that the Fox network staged this whole thing!

FTC 50: None of that fancy quilted stuff. by SpideyChris
MUAHAHAHA! I've got you now! I'm going to chew off your knees and floss with your spinal column!
Well, what are you going to do with the rest of me?
I'm out of toilet paper.

Law & Orbach by CHUBBY
You're from CSI? Did you determine cause of death?
Prostate cancer.
Prostate cancer? He's got three bullet holes in him! Hey, what did you just put in your pocket? A slug?
Wait a minute. You're Gary Sinise.
OK, I did it! I just couldn't let him get his own "L & O" franchise!

1-10-05 9:04pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

not laughing with you

Member Rated:

Slim pickin's, but in the end I have to go with Injokester.

peddling the funny around since 09/24/2002

1-10-05 9:41pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator » More Comic Competitions » New Faces of 2004

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