Well, about the Tobor schtick...
I have a bit of an unfair advantage. You see, I was a member of stripcreator about 2 or 3 years ago. I didn't do much, though, and I can't even remember my original user name. However, I did read quite a few of the strips at the time, so when I came back and started reading the strips again, I remembered the schticks with Tobor, moh!, and the default asian girls. I'll probably remember more the more I read, too.
I guess one could call me a born-again stripcreator.
The God series... heh. To think they started off as just a disjoined bunch of strips at first. I'll be getting back to that in due time. It's just that I was pumping them out rather quickly, and the later ones were feeling a bit forced. Time to back off, I said to my other five selves. Well... other four other selves. One of me wants to destroy it. The five of me try to keep the sixth me under wraps, but he keeps getting out somehow. A regular Houdini, he is, and without the dying part.
Before I depart from this message entry, I'll leave you with another couple recent strips. Thanks to you, not_Scyess, and those who voted my strips positively so far.
[Click to view comic: 'Algirdas' Introduction - Better Late Than Never']
[Click to view comic: 'Political Briefness']
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